Wednesday, November 24, 2010

todays news

SO swimming was same as every, Miles screamed the entire 30 minutes.  I just got him out of the water and the end of the lesson and didn't say anything, i just wrapped him in a towel and said ok lets get you dressed and we can go to Playgroup - he loves playgroup and playing with all his little friends there - so i think thats the way to go.  Im not sure he can control his screaming so telling him not to be silly and its silly to scream is kinda pointless if he is so anxious about being parted from me that he cant actually contol it.  So instead im going for the silent approach - i explain to him before the class that Mummy will sit beside the pool and he will be in the pool with the teacher and i will right there the whole time and not to be afraid as i will never leave - so he has that solid base to come back to but he just gets so stessed at not being held by me at all times.  We will see how we go with this new approach.

Then onto Playgroup and he had a ball in the sandpit with the other kids and chatted and played with them :) so thats lovely to see he has started to want to play with other kids i guess he is at that age where they transition fron side by side play to wanting to play together so he's at an age now where he is wanting to play with other kdis and its lovely to see. so he played with Patrick and Chelsea a couple of the other kids there - they dug sandcastles and filled up water buckets.

i was on Mums tea so baked a yummy lemon sponge cake. 

Greta missed her morning nap as she always does on a Wednesday so was quite upset and wouldnt let me put her down, but thats ok i got lots of extra snuggles - goodness knows how i will go if i get a job, even Jonatan cant hold her she goes crazy..

Oh and then i went for my 3rd and final interview - really fancy the role so see how i go, they will get back to me before the weekend ive been told so see how that plays out.  ive said i can only do tuesday and Thursday and a half day on Friday.  So id be working 2.5 days a week (20 hours) for $30,000 so thats not too bad i guess.. Its not in the city either, if it were it'd pay more, its 15 min drive from home so i cant grumble at that.
and parking too of course.

Anyway will hear back by the weekend if they want me to take on the role or if they want someone else - its a procurement/accounts role - well same as i've always done really..studied accounts at college - gosh that was many moons ago now.

Anyway will update once i know.  I couldnt pick it i was 50/50 as to whether they liked me or not and the market is so hard at the moment it seems everyone is looking for a job so many many people going for the same role where as 5yrs ago there was a lot less people looking.. so its a bit more of a fight to sell yourself to get a role - anyway waffling.. will see how the week plays out i guess.

Then came home and it was so hot i jumped in the pool with Greta and Miles while Jonathan took a million zillion calls from work - he had come home early so i could go to the interview and he watched the kids.. so we had a swim and Miles was great - he swims so well - wish he'd do the same at swim class but will only 'perform' if im in the pool - wont even swim to Jonathan!

Greta looked so cute, she had her hot pink swimming cozy on with ruffles around the bum and her hair in a ponytail, its so long now it will go in a ponytail or pigtails - too cute.

Then i went shopping as we had no milk or nappies, i cooked dinner first - whipped  up a spag bol quickly and then popped out with instrucions for Jonathan to feed the kids and id be home in half an hour.. came home to find he'd fed the kids ALL the spag bol! half a kilo or mince meat he has shared between the 2 kids! needless to say they didnt eat anywhere near all of it so he had finished their meals for them! When i told him it was actually for ALL 4 OF US he said Ahhhh i thought there was too much for the kids! Well DOH!!! So now im hungry as i had no dinner! 

Anyway off to the zoo with Fre and the kids tomorrow - cant wait, Miles has been nagging to see Niamh all week - young love!

Gonna watch 8 boys and wanting a girl tonight on Lifestyle You.. looks interesting, the lengths some people go to to have a baby girl on this show! I cant comment as im lucky to have 1 of each but im not sure if id go to such lenghths if id have had 1 boys.. i dont know that as ive had 1 of each so cant really comment - and i do love having a girl i cant wait to go to the theatre and shopping trips with her when she's old in Melbourne and even Singapore - yeah ok so i love having a girl lol.

Ok best go have a rumage in the fridge - starving!

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