Sunday, November 7, 2010

First post


Ok so im Mandy, mummy to a 3yr old boy Miles and a 1yr old girl Greta, wife to Jonathan who works in the city (Sydney) so its just the kids and i on a day to day basis - doing the rounds of activities and playdates...

Well im feeling like i should start a blog just to document the lives of myself and the kids - they grow up so fast and ive never been a diary writter so - see how we go keeping this up to date!

So just a list of acctivities we have on this week:
Monday - Music class, playdate in the park for all the babies from EB turning 1
Tuesday - playdate with our friends Fre, Niamh and Tadhg
Wednesday - Swimming class & Playgroup
thursday - a trip into Sydney
Friday - Daycare for Miles, Just Greta and i home.. housework day!!

Ok so just somewhere to keep a list of all we get upto during the day - and no doubt a few whinges from me now and again haha!

So today we have been to Miles'music class.. grrrr annoying again.. half of the class he joins in and has a whale of a time dancing and singing then its just like a switch goes and he tilts his head to the side and stares at the floor and WILL NOT join in or even acknowledge my or anyones existance so i dont know how to deal with him when he does that - so i just join in myself in the hope that he will see its fun and come back and join in... i most likely look like a total prat dancing and singing with all the other kids while all the mums are chatting at the side of the room - ahhh story of my life as a mum of a clingy child, clingy in the extreme as ive neve been able to chat with the mums while my kids play as Miles just hold onto my leg and wont go off on his own....although he has got a little better of late - i think its as ive been trying to encourage him.. ive been reading a lot about it and trying to ensure he knows he has solid base in Mummy and i'll always be there and he can go off and play and if he feel insecure i'll be there if he wants to come back and he has been going off a little more on his own of late - so i think its working.
Anyway back to music class.. he just goes into what is veyr like a trance then all of a sudden snaps out of it its bizarre and comes and just joins in again - i cant understand it.  Anyway so that was hit and miss (same as ever).

Then we went to Olympic park and had a play and a feast with the other babies from Greta's EB group, that was great fun an miles played at the park - something he would NEVER have done 3 months ago - so im thinking his extreme clinginess may be easing a little .. which is just in time for Greta's to kick in haha - no rest for poor Mummy.  Greta is so bad at the moment even Jonathan (Daddy) Daddy can't pick her up as she screams and shakes and going into a sort of fit its awful - so id say they both have Extreme seperation anxiety.. but now ive learnd how to deal with it a little with Miles i hope i can help Greta more easily.

So then we had a great time at the park, Miles loved eating all the snacks everyone brought and then he built a tower of blocks with the babies. Greta had fun crawling around.

Then we drove him and popped Greta in her cot and Miles and i jumped in the pool at home - it was heaven.. cooled us off.

Ok best go start dinner, its 4pm! Greta has been in bed since abotu 1pm i think it was.. that girl can sleep!!
Spicy meatballs and pasta yummmmmm!


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