Sunday, November 14, 2010

Rain rain go away!

Well after a stinking hot week its piddled it down all day - which is kinda a relief after such a stinking hot week and weekend last week!

Of list of activities for this week:

monday - Music class
Tueaday - Free day (may meet up with Fre and the kids)
Wednesday - Swimming class and Playgroup - Author talk at the library - trying to find a babysitter but looks llike i have to take the kids with me - hope they are quiet as its adults only!
Thursday - free day (although we ususally go to the storey time at the library in the morning for Miles and baby bounce class in the afternoon for Greta) - Harry Potter at the Movies :) in Gold Class!
Friday - Miles'day care day and my cleaning day, just Greta and i home - Girls night out for me and a bunch of friends.. going for a Thai i think.. cannont WAIT!
Saturday - Taking Miles to the movies to see Dorothy Dinosaur and Santa.

Ok so thats whats on this week. Busy week again, but i like that.

SO went to Thomas the tank on Sunday - yesterday. Its such fun.  its $5 per ride per child so we bought a book of 4 rides and Miles and 2, Greta had 1 then they had 2 together.  It was SOOOOO hot but they had a ball.  We picked strawberries on the way up there and all 4 of us ate ahuge bag full on our drive there - its about an hour from our house..and its great fun.  Some of the drivers go slow but some go really fast around the track and through the tunnel  - which is great to cool us off on a hot day!

then home and we had a quick dip in the pool - Miles is getting so good.  He can easily swin the width of the pool, only problem is forgets to turn his head to breath so ends up having to hold his breath the whole way but swims to the wall at the other end of the pool and comes up with such  huge smile on his face, he just loves the water and swimming . We would be in our pool today if it weren't for the fact its raining buckets full today - the pool temp is 31 degrees though (its solar heated) but i dont fancy getting in there today with this rain.

So that was yesterday - came home and made a curry for dinner after our swim.


So far we have been to Miles' music class which he loves this week - i tell ya its mad, i can't tell if he is going to sit and stare at the floor and refuse to join in of if he is going to dance and sing and have a ball - well today was the latter, he danced adn jumped and even dressed up as a bee... i didnt even have to sit on the floor, i sat in a chair and he just went and joined in! SHOCK !!!! which is good as Greta is a like lightening she moves so fast and i have to keep going and bringing her back to where im sitting lol - bless her..  So i thought today that instead of miles suffering with his extreme seperation problems it was more that he wanted to join in for priase - whihc of course i lavished upon him.. every little dance or clap that he did he looked to me for priase and of course i said over and over how fantastic he was and he lapped it up - he does attention i admit that its just hisseperation issues that cause him troubles.. but not today - he had a ball! and perhaps learnt that he will get attention lavished upon him when he joins in and not so much when he sits in the corner and stares at the floor so hoping we are turning a corner but we will see on Wednesday when it comes to swim class time and i have to sit at the side of the pool rather than getting in with him - so frustrating as he can swim so well but just freezes in swim class because im not in the water with him and he cant handle the seperation.. so he misses out on having a proper swim class ashe gets so highly stressed and wont join in the class - but as ever im hopefull this week :) After such a fantastic music class today.

Greta was able to weight bare a little this morning, while i held her waist she pushed against my legs with hers., she can crawl and kneel but has 'looly legs' as the health nurse calls it and doesnt like to hold any weight on her legs - think she is just a bit lazy.. funny to think that Miles took his first steps at 13.5 months and started toddling around - and here is Greta 13.5 months tomorrow and can't even stand up or  cruise or hold any weight on her legs - oh well all kids are different i guess and its easier not having to run around after her anyway haha!

All for now.. best get the kids lunch.. although Gretais stll asleep from her mornign nap - was waiting till she woke up but Miles and i will have wasted away by that stage haha!


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