Monday, November 22, 2010


Not me - Haha!!

Yet ANOTHER one of Greta's  group, i  mean its not suprising as there were a lot of first time Mummy's in the group and they are of course going for their 2nd baby, i indeed had been pregnant and lost the baby and was TTC again by the time Miles was 13 months old .. it just seems there are more than were pregnant at this stage in Miles'group - but most of them were 2nd or 3rd time Mums in Miles' group and were having their last bub.

But anyway i just found out yet another mum from the group is pregnant, just a couple of week along.. but how exciting! Im so thrilled for her as her other bubs are SO SO adorable :)

Hmmm funny, i have no desire to have another bub myself, ive kind of got past that stage and am really enjoying watching Miles and Greta interact now.  But although my baby days are over i LOVE hearing baby news and seeing all the ultrasound pics and the new born photos - but no desire to go back there.and i cant even say its cos i dont want to deal with sleepless nights as Greta slept through 10 hours when she was 1 day old and has never stopped sleeping since!!Or the trying as its never taken us more than a month or 2 to fall pregnant, or even the fact we have had 4 pregnancies and only have 2 kids, i know i'll probably have to go through a loss to get a healthy bub but its all worth it in the end even if difficult at the time.  I lost my first baby, then had Miles, then lost the 3rd baby, then had Greta...but still its not that...i just feel we are a family as 4 and are complete, plus it wouldnt be fair as my kids are so so clingy i cant split myself 3 ways, 2 is hard enough sometimes.. i think we have a great family dynamic and dont want to screw it up so im sticking not twisting :)

Jonathan says he would be happy to have a 3rd but is happy to stick to 2 if thats what i wanted - yup it is.

But anyway a  huge congrats to the lovely lady who is preggers - cnat wait till you can announce it on FB so i dont have to keep my mouth shut!

While on on the subject of babies, a few pics of my 2 as babies:


And Greta

 With Nana Edie.
Wow i'd forgotten how much hair she had, its was insane!  It was jet black too as was Miles hair - but then it all started to grow through underneath as light brown and when that had grown through the black stuff sort of vanished - same with Miles except it came through as blonde - my little blondie boy :)


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