Saturday, November 13, 2010

Perfect Saturday

Had such a lovely day today.  Got up and headed straight for the pool - ahhh heaven, for an English girl growing up in a freezing country having a pool is somethign we used to save up for once a year and head off to Greece/Spain/Italy/turky or some warmer European destination for a 2 weeks holiday, and spend all day hanging out by the pool before we went back to good ol' freezing cold England and began saving up again for our summer holiday 12 months later!  But here i am in sizzling Auatralia and have my very own pool in my very own backyard! So now the holiday i/my parents worked hard to affored every year as a kid and 20 something year old i can now indulge myself every single day!! AMAZING!
Espically as my kids get to grow up with a pool in their backyard - very different to how Jonathan and i grew up.. hope the 2 of them grow up to know how lucky they are and not take it all for granted - well if they do i'll have to take them over to where J and i came from in the deepest darkest depths of winter, then they will be gratefull haha!

So spent all day in the pool with the kids, only got out to put Greta down for her naps. She LOVES the water, really enjoys it and when she gets bored we popped her on the side and she had a crawl about.  Miles stayed in the whole time and is getting really good at swimming bless him.

Then after that we had a BBQ dinner cooked by jonathan :D and i had a potter around the garden, cutting a few flowers to put in vases inside and checking on my veggie patch - a picture of a few strawberries i grew:

Oh and i was having a conversatoin wiht jonathan about he state of the draws/cupboards in the house - oh and when i say state i really mean anal obsession! haha..J thinks im anal i just think im ordered - a piccie of the inside of one of my kitchen drawers  - they are all pretty much like this *blush*

Yes anal i know!

Well much the same plnned for tomorrow i suspect - although we had talked about taking the kids to the Thomas the Tank ride which is about an hours drive but i can't be bothered to do to much in this heat!  So see if we go or happy to hang round the pool all weekend - and it'll be cheaper.

Oh and just bought a ticket to see Harry Potter new movie on Thursday, booked myself in for Gold Class and Jonathan is going to stay home with the kids - although of course they'll be in bed.

Oh and i also bout tickets for Miles and I to go to Dorothy the Dinosaur and Santa on Saturday next week - j will watch Greta.. he says he's wanting more Daddy and Daughter time she is a little Mummy obsessed (which i of course jsut love :) ) but i know she needs to spend time with Daddy too without me hogging my lil'princess all the time - Miles is a little Mummy obsessed at the moment to though so i have them both with me all the time, which is lovely :)

Ok all for now.


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