Monday, November 8, 2010

A New Dolly for Greta!

Ok so Library trip postponed as Greta decided she couldn't keep her eyes opened and crawled into her bedroom, knelt up against her cot and yelled Mama Mama.. in i go and see her sitting there rubbing her eyes - so she's now fast asleep and the trip is postponed till she wakes up... honestly sleeping beauty, i tell ya she could sleep the whole day away!

New Dolly - My parents send a cheque for the kids for birthdays and Christmas' so this year for Greta's 1st brithday i got her a doll in a cradle with a blanket for her from my parents - however there was some issue with the supplier and it only just arrived yesterday!! it was her birthday 5 weeks ago!! But no matter, she loves it and has spent all morning taking the doll out of the cradle and holding it in her arms and cuddling it whilst patting its bottom lol.  Miles who is a very ordered child and likes everything in its place gets very cross that the doll isn't in its rightful place .. ie the cradle with the blanket over it and cna be heard over and over again saying "No Gweta the  baby is tired and wants to go to sleep in its cot" Too cute - a couple of piccies.

I put Greta to bed and went into the playroom to have a little tidy after Greta had been through there like a whirlwind! i found it all in order however as Miles had got there first and put everything back in its place (LOVE my neat freak son) and i also found he had hidden the doll in her cradle behind a toy - no doubt so Greta cant find it and pull the doll and blanket out again hahah... such great fun watching the 2 of them together - they are so totally different yet adore each other.


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