Sunday, January 16, 2011

this weeks list!

Monday - ikea and home with the kids
Tuesday - work/ nanny for the kids
Wed - home with the kids, taking Greta to get her weighed i think.. if i dont do it today..
Thursday - work/day care for kids
Frid - work/.nanny for kids.

nothing exciting this week.. Re organised Miles'bedroom over the weekend so got some ikea shelving units to sell that we had in there.. he does use them now as we have a play room in this house so they were just sitting there empty and it bugged me so have taken them out and his rom looks much bigger now, he can acutally play in there if he wishes.

So hot today.. wanted to get to Ikea early so Greta could come home and have her nap - shes been asleep for 2 hours now :)

Then had a swim with miles, my face feels a little burnt so home i dont end up with  sunburnt face!  I put lots of sunscrean on - or sun scream as Miles calls it lol.

Jonathan sent me a link about government paying for 18 weeks maternity leave now - erm yes but i dont want another baby! i told him if he really wants one we will discuss when Greta turns 2 and see how we are feeling then... im kinda 90% against and 10 % for i think jonathan is 60% against and 40% for lol - so see how we go... maybe one of us will change our minds - ive just sold everything now as i was sure i didnt want another then Jonathan keeps saying ooh what would you name it if you had another - hmmmm shut it! lol.

So Miles is totally toilet trained now - but the other day he had the runs.. OMG, he ran to the toilet but never quite made it and ended up getting a good half of it in his undies *vomits!* so so so so gross - i had to scrape it off - OMG well i actually didnt i actually threw them out! Im sorry but how anyone deals with babies in those cloth nappies or whatever they are called but have a very very strong stomach - why the hell you'd want to do that on a daily basis i have no clue - give me disposables any day of the week - bloody gross!

Well i think ive dried off now after our swim - best go and get the Ikea goods out of the car and have a look and getting it set up in Miles' room.


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