...ok so i know it was yesterday but was too busy to post yesterday.
We had all these plans to go to our local shire celbrations like we have been doing for the past 8yrs since we moved here - but well, due to the heat.. usually if we get too hot out there we can just come back home and hide in out aircon, but we don't have air con in the new house - and since we did renovations and over spent by ALOT! we cant afford to put it in - the plan was to do ducted - and thats what we want to do but are just saving up for it now - its such a big house it would take so many units to cool it, so really wanted to do it properly and do ducted.. just got to wait till we can afford to do it!
Anyway i got up and decided to start having a sort out of the kids rooms and before i know it, i was in full on spring clean - in the heart of summer - with no air con.. yes i have gone slightly insane!
So after that i was so hot - decided to take the kids up the local shops to get some BBQ stuff from the butchers - and when i got there it was so lovely and cool, we ended up staying and going to the playcentre they have there - kids had a ball.. Greta is so good for Miles in that she wonders off to play and it makes Miles stray further as he has her as his crutch sort of thing so isnt limited to the places i can fit in with him. So he went on the bouncing castle for the first time EVER - usually he wont go on cos i cant get on and its too far away from me, even if i sit on the edge of it - but i turned around and Greta is on it! She had climbed up a slide one of the other kids had pushed near it and got on!! she's crazy.. so Miles went on it :)
Also the went in the cubby house, and i sat over in the corner on the couch - AHhhhhhhh HEAVEN!
SO then we decided we best get back and hang out with Jonathan as we'd left him home alone and only meant to pop up to the butchers - but he had vac'd the enture house - including the playroom which he hates to do and mopped it too.. and was relaxing in the pool!
So we all jumped in the pool while Jonathan jumped out and got the BBQ going - yes we had been that long it was dinner time!
Had a great BBQ and a couple of beers - well 1 beer, well Jonathan not me, neither of us drink much.
Read Miles a story and off to bed for them both.
Perfect day :) totally not what we had planned, but sometimes it works better when you go with the flow..
Oh Greta woke up a few times as she was so hot - so adjusted the fan in her room and she was ok, then she woke cos Miles woke and started screming, so i rushed into him and he was so so hot and just wanted a drink of water he said - so got him some and brought him into our room as we have the ceiling fan.. and he nodded back off, but Greta woke up with his screaming/cos she was hot and ended up in bed with me for half an hour or so till i took her back to her cot... 2 in the bed is a bit much for anyone! They fight like cat and dog, ALLWAYS hiting and nipping and pulling each others hair - they're worse than 2 boys a swear.. so anyway thats how we all slept.
Cant complain cos they have been both sleeping 12hrs straight since they were a few weeks old, so the odd wake up in the night here and there isnt too bad - well pretty rare really.. but man was in hot - was tossing and turning so no wonder they were waking up too.
Anyway dropped them off at day care this morning and they were both happy as larry - whoever he is - to be there so all good.. Even Miles who i worry about dropping off there, he was quite happy with a litle friend there and 2 of the teachers (hes in the pre shcool room) pandering to him and getting him toast and milk...he LOVES attention.
Greta is always fine, anywhere.
thats all.
3 weeks today till the parents arrive :)
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