Thursday, June 30, 2011

Weekend away :)

We got Miles a mini mote yesterday, he LOVES it.

Got Greta a dolls pram.

Went and paid off a bit on Miles' layby.  i told jonathan i had put Miles' trampoline on lay by and he went, oooh what you do that for.. he isn't a fan of lay by.  He says its like credit for poor people, whatever that means.
Anyway it worked as im trying to get us to live to a budget at the moment.. so it was $240 and i now owe $133 and i need to get it out the day before Miles's birthday so 13th Aug - which so happens to by our 10th wedding anniversary :)

I can't see me doing the lay by thng again but it worked as we were a bit tight with all the money we have had to pay out lately.

So jonathan was meanto to finish up work yesterday but went in today! said he'd be home by his usual 9pm.. he had a report to finish.

He has been interviewing trying to find a replacement for his job but no luck so far... tough! he has a new job to start on Monday so hopefully he can get it out of his mind and stop worrying about it!

We are going here this weekend:

And staying at the hotel at the Gardens too:

ok all for now.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Think the flu is easing..

I've been in bed for a couple of days, and just hardly functioning.. its really knocked me off my feet this dose.

I've only had it about 3 times in my life i think, so thats once every 11 years :p

But now with kids to look after.. i really should get the flu vaccine next winter i think.. unlike a cold where you can function and muddle through, the flu literally floored me.  i was in bed for 2 days solid, having hot sweats and weird dreams and just in such a state, too weak to get out of bed, just about managing to make it to the toilet.. i was a state for about a week.

now i feel like i have a bad cold, which isn't great and i haven't left the house since Wednesday last week! But i feel so much better that i did.

Worst bit now is the cough that i have, my whole body aches when i cough - and i cough ALL the time.  Miles and Greta have the cough too.. its waking them both up over night, poor little mites.

Greta has been very tired and has been very clingy, not jut clingy but sobs her heart out ALL day, literally from the moment she wakes up till bed time.. i guess she just feels ill bless her.. but its not easy when im feeling like crap myself and trying to to look after the 2 of them.

Jonathan did a stirling job of looking after them.  He took a few days off work, doesn't get paid if he doesn't work but not much we could do, we don't have anyone else who can help out.. so he helped out with the kids.

I got up on sunday after 2 solid days in bed, and was shocked that the house was quite well looked after, well i mean by my standards it was trashed but i thought it would be far worse.

Miles is a neat freak but Greta likes to go through the cupboards and toss everything out so you need to been following her round the house picking up after her and although im used to it and do it without thinking i know her Daddy doesn't.. but he did a good job.

He went back to work yesterday and i got the vacuum out and had a good tidy, still need to mop and dust but at least its looking a lot better.

Hope this chesty cough clears im sick of coughing and everything aches :(

little pitty party lol.

So Jonathan's last day is thursday and then he starts his new job on Monday :) he is very excited.  He went in yesterday to meet his new PA and all that kinda stuff and he is very excited to begin on Monday.

That means we thought we would have a nice weekend away this weekend.  He fancied a weekend away before he started his new job and with me being sick last weekend, it leaves only this weekend..

Hunter Valley we are thinking of going to anyway. I fancy taking the kids to Story book Gardens:

We can pick Miles up from Pre-school on Friday and then off we go :)

looking forward to it, just hope this cough subsides for the 3 of us!

In other news.

i got the Foxtell swithched back on,..i was on to a loosing battle with them, i was 1005 sure i had paid the amount they said i owed - long long story... and they said no i haven;t, so sick of them so i paid it again and was so fed up of them! so we got the Foxtel back on... then i was going to go into a store and ask to see all our records so i could prove i had paid it - and today i received a cheque from them!
So i guess i had paid them after all  idiots! So they left us with no Foxtel of phone line for almsot a week for something we had already paid... not happy!!

Think we are going to keep the Jeep for a while... the Grand Jeep we wanted in diesel isn;t out in the country yet, so might as well just wait till its out and go test drive it.  I looked at a couple others, Subaru and another one but nothing compares for me.. i love my Jeeps. 
Worked out a plan to pay off the last of the balloon payment we have to pay on our current Jeep, they we own it.  So can keep that as a 2nd car for jonathan and go and get me a new one. Probably not till after Christmas now - Will make to as we are for now.

Thats about it.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Finally worked it out

Where Greta got her cold from that is..

There was a little boy at the park about 10 days ago he had a snotty nose and was coughing like a dog barking.

Anyway Greta was eating one of those little packets of sultanas and he walked over to her, coughed all over her and helped himself to some sultanas from her little box.  She then grabbed a handfull herself before i could stop her and ate them.  So i guess he passed his grms on to her that way!

Then he went and helped himself to some chips another little kid was eating.

Mother was no-where in sight...

So now i have the cold.  i feel terrible, hot then freezing cold and shivering, then sweating again.. constant runny nose and my cough sounds terrible, i almost vomit every time i have a coughing fit :( yes pitty party i know!

Took the kids to play school concert with some of the others from Playgroup the went and did the food shop. Then came home and put Greta to bed and crawled into bed myself.  Didnt get to sleep though, i jut lay there with Miles and we read books and chatted - was there for about 2 hours.  Greta is still sleeping in her cot. Gosh that girl sure can sleep!
But the rest was good.

Jonathan heard  that his bike was a right off, and they'd write us a cheque.. then he heard they could fix it.. then a right off.. and now they say then can fix it but it'll be 6 weeks.. so anyway thats all good.. he was hoping to keep it.
He just has to go on the train or bus to work for the next 6 weeks.

Still cant decide what car to get.  We have decided to keep the jeep as a 2nd car though.  We rego'd that today - jut for 6 months though (in case we change our mind again!).

I did go look at a Subaru Outback but i thought it too low, i like the higu up cars, especially for getting the kid in and out, i have a bad back that i had surgery on not long ago and im always so worried about hurting it again so idont like to bend too much.
Anyway im not sure, will have to take a measure and mesure it.

Was looking at the subaru Tribeca too, but its $55,000 so for that we could have another Jeep Cherokee - and i much prefer the Jeep..

So now looking at Merc SUV's.

And still the Grand Jeep we are looking at too..

For now our car is all paid for, we just have the balloon payment to make which is $17,000.. then its ours.

All for now.

I feel like crap today :(

Hate colds :(


Monday, June 20, 2011

Miles is sick

Miles has a 37.8 degree temp, so not too bad.  He is lounging on the couch watching a DVD we picked up from the library - yay for the library!

Greta seems ok in herself, just has a runny nose.

Neither of then can stand having a runny nose, so they each have a tissue in their pockets and they wipe their own noses.. or come to me for help, they seem to hate having a snotty nose.  Which is good, i hate to see little kids with snotty noses!

So we popped up to story time at the library and then on to Playgroup.

Greta is now in bed and, yep as i said Miles is lounging watching his DVD eating a vegimite sandwhich.

I made some cheese bread in the breadmaker yesterday OMG its yummy :)

I cna hear Greta coughing in her cot, think she is asleep though.

She is a little madam sometimes.  She bit Miles earlier as she wanted a toy (his toy) he was happily playing with.. so i picked her up and said "No Greta"and sat her on her couch, she really didn't seem to care.  She got up after 5 seconds and went and found another toy.. i will keep doing it when she is naughty though, but i know they are so young at this age they don't really understand.. i started the naughty spot with Miles at around 2.5 - 3yrs i think. .. closer to 3 i think.  then if he persists in being naughty he gets 1 toy taken away frome him.. i know Greta is too young to understand this yet, but when she bites i will keep on with the saying no and gently removing her to her couch... even if she only stays there for a second it has shown her that she is being taken away from whatever she was doing that is naughty - uaully biting or hitting Miles or taking a toy off him.. anything else i wouldn't do it for as she is far too little to understand.. and still gets so easily distracted with things.  I ask her to put something away and honestly the funny places i find those things in, Jonathan found his cufflinks in Greta's back pack!. But biting its not on.  not so much taking toys as i know she is too little to understand abotu sharing yet.

Oh so back here again.. i remember when we first set in place a naughty spot with Miles, oh the fun of having to go through it all again!

But biting really isn't on so i will have to nip that in the bud.  She is much more free spirited than Miles though.. he just wants to please everyone and its so helpful.. Greta is a little free spirit.. So different to each other.

So tomorrow is Playschool concert, just 10 mins away at the RSL so thats great, not too far to treck.

And the Disney on ice tickets arrived today.

Jeep is being Rego'd tomorrow, has its inpection in the morning before Playshcool concert.

Then i think we are going away this weekend, up to the Hunter Valley. Taking the kids to Story book Gardens.

I keep meaning to book us tickets for Mary Poppins, i will do that this week.

Oh, we heard the bike might have to be scrapped now too, there is something or other that they just can't fix :(
But waiting to hear still...

Thats about all...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day from Hell!

Probably made all the more crappy because im sleep deprived.

Miles has a cold and Greta has a cold.

Miles woke up sweating at 9pm last night, gave him some nurofen to ease his sore throat and bring down his temp... but he wouldnt go back to bed.  I guess he felt unwell and was a bit scared.

So then Greta wakes up - a very rare occasion for Greta or Miles to wake so i can't really complain, but both together - what are the odds!

So anyway i went to settle Greta and got her off to sleep again.

Jonathan offered to take Miles to bed and sleep in his bed with him.

5 mins later just as i was heading to bed Greta started so scream, so i went in and she was boling hot and coughing like crazy, so i felt sorry for her so took her into bed with me.

Well with her coughing and fidgiting, we each managed about 2 hours sleep - she woke at 3am and didnt not back off till 5.30 am then was up at 7am for the day.

So Jonathan said he would go in at lunch time so i could have a nap.. i tried but Greta kept coming into the room and asking for me, so i ended up getting up - guess she just wanted her Mummy as she is sick :( poor little pudding.

So then i get up to the knowledge that foxtel had been cut off as had the phone which is all connected.... so i call them and say what the heck is going on its all up to date - they say no we want crazy amount of money which you are overdue before we re-connect you.. so i say well noramlly thats fine but i have just paid $1000 for car rego.  $500 for bike rego.  $1000 for pool.  $500 excess for bike.  and anyway you are totally up to date.. they insist they are not. i produce all the receipt numbers that i've paid - and it transpires they i have been paying money onto the bigpond account not the Foxtel/phone acocunt ARGHHHHHHHH, at least the money is sitting on that account and we are in front i guess but that doesnt help me here - so anyway they wont re-connect untill i pay them their $600..which i cant do till Wednesday, i have money on various accounts but not enough all together so we will have to wait till wednesday to get reconnected.
its not a problem as i have my mobile, and we only realyl have foxtel for a couple of UK programmes we watch, and they aren't on till later in the week so thats all ok... just frustrating that i messed up.

So when iring to pay on Wednesday, i will ask them to put the foxtel/phone on the same account with the bigpond so i can just pay onto the 1 accoutn number.

Then i just startt to read a book lat week and get a notifiction from the library that its due back on Monday - today, so i spent all weekend reading to get it finished in time... i read it so it can go back today - if im safe to drive after 2 hours sleep!

jonathan took Miles to music class this morning for me... id have fallen asleep i swear!

Think Greta has nodded off to sleep, i put her down for her nap in her cot and she cried to i went in to settle her and she cried when i left so i went back to re-settle her.. anway finally i got her to be calm and i left the room and she is still quiet so i guess she has nodded off.

She discovered how to open her wardrobe door too and has started to empty it and bring me all her clothes, cute but i keep finding her clothes strewn across the house lol, i ask her to take them back and she seems to set off to do that btu then get distracted and  find them in the most bizarre places - i love this age its so cute, they do the cutest things.

She has also started to do a roll call lol, she will yell "mummy, daddy, My (miles), Bamber (amber the cat), Gigi (herself)" and we are all expected to answer lol. Miles gets fed up and refuses so she will just yell My, my, My, my, my, my.. over and over until he answers her - bless her.

ok thats all, im sooooo tired.

Whinge over.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Conjunctivitis and a cold

Yes my princess is sick - again!

She had nothing at all wrong with her for the first year of her life, then after she hit 12 months BANG everything under the sun she gets..

Funny thing is, she is home with me all day EVERY day, we have no family or anyone that she goes to EVER! its just the 4 of us, the 3 of us when jonathan is at work.. Miles does go to pre-school on a Friday, but Greta is with me ALL THE TIME, so how the heck she managed to catch a cold when the rest of us don't have one - i have no clue!

She also has conjunctivitis - again, she has had it so many times, i swear she is going for some kind of world record lol..

She seems ok though, she does keep saying eye and pointing at it :(

I guess its sore.

My poor princess :(

i took the kids up to story time at the library and Miles was again up and dancing and singing and calling out answers to questions - playing a game of pairs with the cards with all the other kids, and just joining in.. fantastic!

Perhaps her wont be like me after all :)

Greta is in bed, she has been yawning since she got up - poor little munchkin, so hate to see them sick :(

She made  little friend at story time too - well she always does, she's very outgoing - i could learn a thing of 2 from her i think!

So we now have a stack of books from the library and i got a DVD for myself to watch tonight before Jonathan gets home from workd.

All going well with the money thing too, the bills i mean.

The car is paid for, just need to rego it and spend $700 on the servicing of it.

Bike - we have $500 excess to pay after jonathan accident, but waiting to see how that pans out first ... he should also get a new jacket and helmet as they were damaged in the accident.

Pool - just have about $400 left to pay.

Car (again)  just have $840 left to pay next wednesday then thats the 5 year lease up!

So still quite a bit to go but should be there very soon with it all.

All for now


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

disney on ice

I just booked tickets for Disney on ice for Miles and me for next month - he is quite excited and has been sitting watching DOI youtube clips on my laptop lol.

i ddidn't book for Greta as at 20 months i think she's a little small and will get bored - and its a nice trip out for Miles and me anyway and Greta and Daddy can stay home or go to the park or something.. will be nice to take them both in a year or 2, but for now, she's a bit too young to really be interested.

So thats my news.

I still have to book tickets for Mary poppins and also for Motley Crue, it all seems to be happening at once... will wait till next week or the week after to book the other tickets.

All for now, Greta is awake now so best go get her.


list for this week

a bit late i know:

Monday - jonathan was home as it was Queens birthday.  We just stayed home - raining so can't do much
Tuesday - story time and playgroup
Wednesday - shopping and playgroup
thursday - no plans as yet - might do some cleaning/may go pay some more off Miles' trampoline layby
Friday - Miles' Pre shcool day / mummy and Greta day at home :)

Oh i love and hate Wednesdays, its pay do for us, well for jonathan, i dont actually get anything :( so we have all this lovely money in the bank and before you can blink! its all gone  on bills :( 

Im so used to Wednesday being pay day and it has been for over 2 yrs now, but when he starts his new job on the 1st July, he will get paid monthly, im so not used to monthly... so that will be odd - i mean when i get used to it, it will be much better, as i have to log onto the bank and pay everything weekly and it will be so much easier to do it once a month instead of weekly, but still im sure it will take a while to transition over.

Raining here, can't go outside, kids are so fed up- with being inside.  took them to a playcentre over the weekend and after 5 mins they both wanted to go home! fantastic...little people hey, you can't predict them :)

jonathan has an interview for another role today... just came up after he was offered the DTZ role... its looking after hotels again and he cant refuse the interview as thats what he loves to do after being with GPT/Voyages for so long and going to some great hotels..

So will wait and see how that goes...

jonathan bought a washing line that retracts and attached it the full length of the garage, so i can pull that out and hang up all my washing, and the wind will come across from the laundry door if i leave it open and blow into the garage but keep my washing dry as its in the garage - excellent idea! so i have a load of washing hangin on that - that will save us in dryer bills!

Was going to do a list of words great is saying, but there are so many, she is chatting in sentences and i can hold a conversation with her..ive lost track of the amount of words she says its so many..

Her walking is amazing now, its like she has been doing it for months! She walks ALL the time, she walks just as well in her gorgeous little patent leather shoes :)

Man can she throw a tanty though! but she is so cute i cant refuse her - its bad i know, i had all these rules set out for Miles and stuck to them so well and he is such a good little boy cos of it - but Greta, i just melt!

Guess thats what happens with yoru 2nd child... but she is still a vry good kid, i take her to story time and she just sits on my knee or next to Miles on the floor the whole time, some of the other kids run riot.

She also makes friends EVERYWHERE we go, its so cute, she is so gentle and can play so well with others.

Oh fantastic moment from Miles, usually in a group situation when all the other kids are standing up to dance or sing, Miles will just sit and look at the floor - so ive been coaxing him to not even to dance and sing but when all the other kids stand if he can just stand up too.. at Pre-shcool ive seen all the others dancing to the music and Miles just sitting on the floor.. if he doesnt like to dance and sing thats fine, but i just want him to stnad up so he at least doesnt look so out of place - and i know he does like to its just he is not good in a crowd.
So had a breakthrough, he came home on friday from pre shcool and said he had stood up and as he stood up he thought he might dance and sing a little.. well i didnt quite belive it untill at story time yesterday, he stood up when the lady reading to them asked them all to (we have been going there for 2 yrs and he has NVER stood up ever) so he stands and starts dancing to a song the lady sang, an then he sang the song at the top of his lungs too! OMG i could have cried!

So so proud of my little man! i know i wouldnt have stood up either as a kid, i used to sit and stare at the floor too, but my mum would have just said to me, youre so stupid sitting there you look stupid cant you stand up and join in, whats wrong with you, are you weird - well you get the impession. Needless to say, i still HATE the word stupid today and useless was another one used far too often.  Anyway, i gently coaxed him and he now stands up and dances and is so happy with himself :)


Best get ready myself now for the weekly shop! Got the kids ready, just need to get me ready.

Oh Greta just brough me all of Miles' undies out of his drawer! ive sent her to put them all back - wonder if she actually does or if i will hunting the house from top to bottome for where she has stashed her brothers undies for the next weeks lol.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

New car shopping

We went yesterday but with Greta running around and Miles was fine, he just stayed by my side and then sat in the office on a chair but Greta  - she is a TOTALLY DIFFERENT KETTLE OF FISH to Miles! She was running around, splashing in the puddles, wondering off.. just here there and everywhere, which i so love after ultra clingy pants Milesy, but not easy when car shopping.

We hae narrowed it down to either a Grand Jeep, another Jeep Chrokee or a a Landcruiser (great cars but not very good looking cars).

Gonna get a friend to look after them next weekend and go and test drive some.

just sat down to lunch, jonathan has taken the kids for a drive...ive scrubbed the bathrooms and all 4 bedrooms and just have to mop now.

Oh and i really need to come back later and post about Jonathans motorbike accident on Friday :(

off to eat lunch now


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

First shoes

For Greta.  Went up to the shops to get a fathers day pessie for my Dad and my sisters birthday pressie - so Greta insisted on walking the entire length of the shopping centre :) such a cutie, she was getting countless shoppers walking past going 'awwwwww'.

So took her into Shoes & Socks and got her first pair of shoes, went for a thin soled pair and she loves them - only took them off once and that was to try on a pair of 6 inch stileto's in a shoe shop i was looking in!

some pics:

And a cute one i took last night :)


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Bills bills bills...

I'm not sure whats going on lately, but we just seem to have bill after bill after bill - i probbaly shouldn't write it all down cos i'll depress myself! But im quite pleased we have made it thus far - still a long way to go though:

First there was the car - we got it brand new 5 yrs ago and not had a single problem, then suddenly it dies - so we are quoted $700 for the part to fix it, and $300 to fit it, so thats $1000, then its due for its service so thats another $700.. so thats $1700 in total!

Anyway managed to get the part for $400 in the end and jonathan fit it so that saved us $600.. but then it needs its service which is $700.

So a total of $1100

Next jonathans motornbike needs to be rego'd so thats just short of $500.

Then the dishwasher craps itself, so thats $125 just for them to come out and diagnose the problem, before we get into parts and labour time... and i have to wash the dishes by hand till they can come out on Wednesday and wait for the sweaty smelling work man to fix it - i have no idea whey but the dishwasher guy's always smell of sweat - i guess its cos they are work men and actually 'work' for a living rather than sit behind  a desk lol... and they are ALWAYS englsih, no idea why, like they cant get dishwasher repairmen over here.. mind you if i was a dishwasher repair man, i know where i'd rather do it ...and it aint freezing cold England!

SO next there is Jonathans bike again, the tyres need something or other, i forget what he said, so thats $250

Next the Car now needs to be rego'd at the end of this month - $750

then we get the bill from the pool company for the pool that they did some work on for us - $1000 - i have paid almost  half so only $671 to go.

then the car again...we have to pay $1680 before the end of June - then the 5 year lease is up on that and we have the baloon payment of $17000.00 to pay on that, or we can re-finance it, or just sell the car and get a new one - not sure what we are gonna do. I think jonathan is keen to just keep our jeep for another 6 months just cos its the easy option, while we pay all this other crap, and then we can look at selling that in 6 months and paying out the balloon payment and getting a new car.  Probably another Jeep, the one we have now is our 2nd Jeep and they are fantastic cars, only issue is the parts have to be shipped over from the States so cost a lot and a long wait time... a part for a regular car would be maybe $80, for a jeep $300.. but if we buy brand new again then it wouldn't really need anyting doing to it.. its only now that our car is 5 yrs old - cant belive we have had it that long! that its starting to need bits and peices... anyway will work out what we decide over the next couple of weeks.. will have to get a new one within the next 12 months anyway..

Ok so then there is the mortgage account that needs, $400 adding to it for some weird reason that i don't quite get..

Oh and Greta has now started to walk so will need some shoes, and from memory with Miles when he got his first pair, they aren't cheap, $80 -$90 i recall - till they get bigger then they go down in cost (odd) to like $50-$60  (Miles last pair were $60).

Then Jonathan decides he wants to go on a weekend break before he starts his new job as he wont be able to take a holiday for the first 6 months while he gets his office up and running and employs his new team to help him and all that - whatever he does lol..

SO have to find money for a weekend away - which i don't mind as i think holidays are important.. show the kids other things and makes us all happy to have a trip away :)

So im not going to add all that up, im too scared! with the car ballon payment it must be + $20,000 YIKES! withouth that it must be  $3,000 .. which is just a weeks wage for Jonathan i know but, when you consider we have the mortgage to pay and other weekly bills and shopping and things, well its not like we can just say oh lets use your weeks wake this week to pay off everything.. cos we have to eat and pay other bills too.

In other less gloomy news -

took the kidlets to the park and Miles made a friend with a lovely littly boy, there was another boy who had a cough and was couging ALL OVER the other kids, i know its not his fault and he doesnt understand but if i were his mumid have kept him home.. then he went and stole pringles from a little girl right from  her hand.. then he went and stole some chips from a mum and little boy (3 times he went back to the same mum and stole the chips, the mum was fuming!) then eh came over to Greta, coughed all over her and stole a handful of sultanas she was eating!! so the mum finally got up and dragged him away, never even said sorry, juse dragged him away.

Miles was having a lovely time with his little friend anyway, the sick boy tried to play with them but they ran off on their own, so i guess they didnt want to be around him either..

Greta wa stoddling around the park happily on her own, exploring
not a great pic but toddling around anyway.

 while Miles played with his lovely new friend.

I have a stew in the oven, it smells AMAZING just got to cook dumplings and its done :)

Thinking of buying a slow cooker.. be lovely for these winter nights.

Ok thats all for now.

ETA: a photo of Miles with his new hair cut:

and another of the princess xx


The start of the birthday presents buying...

So i headed up to the shops today to buy a Trampoline for Miles' birthday in August.  I thought i'd lay by it... i pretty much never lay-by, think ive done it about 3 times in my life! but we are trying to life to a budget for the next year or so.. so i lay-by'd a 10f one, it was $199. 

Also got a Dr's dress up outfit for Miles as well, he loves pretending to be a Dr and has a Dr's bag..

I took Greta to the shops with me as Miles wanted to stay and do 'boy stuff' ie, fixing light globes and fiddling in the shed etc...

So did the shopping, took Greta to a little outdoor play centre at the shops and then got the Jeep to come home - its been off the road for a month as we had to get a part shipped over, its a Jeep Cheroke so no parts for it in the country - so a month later! and some dramas with the part we ordered and customs, the part arrives, Jonathan fixed it and i went out in it today for the frist time - and it died!

i had no mobile with me and Greta was screaming as the sound of the engine cranking but not turning over scared her.

So i hopped out and grabbed Greta then asked a security guy at the shops if i could use his Mobile to call NRMA.. called them and the security guy says he will have a look - so he's trying to start it and i said"NO its a manual you have to put your foot on the clutch.. so he goes a manual oooh i dont know then.. and wanders off!

Then another shopper comes over and asks if i want a jump start, so i say oh perhaps, he looks inside and says oh its a manual, i dont know how to do it with a manual!

Honestly - in the UK pretty much EVERY car is a manual, everyone learns to drive in  a manual, there are hardly any auto's over there - i cant believe everyone is scared of a manual!

SO NRMA comes and say its the diesel not pumping through and fixes it for me.. so off i head home. 

Couple hours later we decide to go to the park, all hop in the car, but the damn thing wont start again! so i call the NRMA again while jonathan gets the kids out of the car.. same guy comes out and spends some tiem looking at it. Anyway cos it was sitting for so long he thinks the diesel wasn't getting through - he did somethig and it did a big burp and seems to work now.

Hopefully it will be ok tomorrow, dont fancy getting stuck at Miles' music class tomorrow with jonathan in Sydney at work.

So anyway... in other news...

Greta is most definitely walking, and she is getting so good at it - gosh cuteness overload! with her gorgeous long hair down her back and her pretty dress on and she so pettite its so cute to see :)

We decided to have a little weekend away before Jonathan starts his new job in july.  We havent had a holiday since Feb!! thats a long time for us!

SO Miles has been doing about different countries and he took in his Beefeater toy that we got him from England and he talking about his mummy and daddy being from the Uk and that it snows over there etc...

SO he had been also asking about Australia as he knows he is from a hot country and we are from a cold country... so thinking of taking him out to Orange to see real Australia lol..

I also want to take him up to Story book Park in the Hunter valley - but thats only 1.5hours from home so just a day trip.

Forgot to say, took Greta down the doll aisle at the shop - OMG she was so excited!! such a girly girl, she was yelling Baby, i had to buy her a doll - to add to her HUGE doll collection lol.

So got Miles trampoline and dr costume... he wants some knights ands horses too.

Then its Greta's birthday.. no doubt she'll want more dolls lol... oh the joys of having 2 little ones close together.

And we're thinking of having a 3rd next year!!!



Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Greta is officially walking!

Finally! She turned 20 months old today and something just clicked with her this morning and she was off!

Thank freaking goodness!!

She's 12.5kgs.. Yes only 2kgs lighter than her (almost) 4th old brother!!

So carrying her around was knackering me! I'm not that healthy anyway (oops) and have a dodgy back - had surgery on my spinr and I have a lot less pain in it but I have to be very careful with it..

Anyway, this morning, something just clicked and she got it! So has been toddling around all day :)

I can finally buy her very first pair of shoes!! I'm not sure who is more excited!

But I will of course wait a week or 2 to make sure she is safe on her feet.. I know they need their feet to grip and balance and all that.

But yeah, that's my news :)

Lots of news!

Jonathan got a new job!!!!!

That was the bug news I've been dying to tell - so excited.
It's a major job! He will be the head of project management & building consultants. They gave an English couple doing the role together at the moment, but looking for a replacement in Sydney, as they want to go home.. So he needs to hire a team to work for him as well as the few already there.. So lost more looooooong hours I'm sure!
But so excited for him. They also will make him a director with a profit share in 12 months.
It's a huge UK company, they are quite big over here but nothing like in the uk. He swears he couldn't get in if he were in the Uk as they are rather snobby and he only became charters 5 yrs ago, plus he has a strong northern uk accent and that just wouldn't do - but hid accent doesn't matter here in Aus :)

So his start date is 1st July, so of course he is working in his current job with CoS till the day before! I said he should take a day or even half a day off.. But nope - workaholic!

In other news, Greta has just properly started to walk, taking 15, 20 steps and has quite good control.

We all have a cold... Blurgh!

Ok best put Greta down for her nap.

Oh and we have limited electric. Dishwasher died and it's blown everything. So Jonathan went around and tried to find the fault. Though there was water in the iutside plug sockets but wasn't that.. Then tried a few other ideas.. Eventually by a process of elimination, discovered it was the fish drawer tripping the circuit board out - haha clever hubby! Who needs an electrician when he's around... So I have Jo dishwasher blooming. But miles thinks it great that he can help me wash the dishes by Hans.

Ok well on my iPhone so loads of spelling errors.. Bbl