Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Work yesterday

SO first day at my new job yesterday.  After deciding to start on the 10th jan they decided they wanted me to do a few days here and there before Christmas just to set up my new dexk and meet all the other office staff and get all my log-ins for the computer systems etc and have a look at the systems they use so and have a little go of it so its not all that new to me when i start in Jan, so i agreed. The Nanny has agreed to look after Miles & Greta so all good there.

So they went round yesterday and had a BALL at her house - her daughter actually cried when we took them home as she wanted them to stay and play! SO i think they will have such fun together.

Still undecided about Miles.  He is meant to be going to Pre-school on  a Friday with a friend of ours little girl, who is his friend... but i think having mummy out of the home for 3 days a week and him going there may be too much - i''ll be home with them on a Monday and a Wednesday every week but when i work on the Friday Miles was going to go to Preschool, while the nanny looked after Greta, but i think it might be a bit much for him as he will be at day dare with Greta on a tues & Thurs, so on the friday i wanted them both to stay together with the nanny ... but we will trail it for a few weeks and see if he enjoys it - if not then he can always stay home with the nanny or go over to her house - we will jig it a bit and see how we go.. if its too much for him to do to day care on a tues and a thurs and preschool on a fri then we will drop the preschool adn leave him home with the nanny and Greta and of course her 2 little ones so they can all play together - that way its more like he is in his own home and is just having fun playing with his friends rather than a tiring day at preschool.

Anyway went to Playgroup Xmas party today and the kids didn't really enjoy it.  it was in the Etamogah pub, so no area for Greta to crawl around so had to stick her in a high chair.. The play area was way too hot and right in the sun so couldnt play on that, so Miles just sat on the bench next to me, which was outdoors and we were so so hot... then the food came which was nuggets and chips so great for Miles but of course not something i want to feed Greta so she had a some food luckily id thought to stick in my we left after an hour or so anyway.  It was just so hot there, not the weather for being outdoors.

i grew some tomatoes myself YAY ME!!! :)  and i have heaps more that are green and going to be ready soon.  My zucchini and cucumber re either still in bud or are tiny, so not sure whats going on there.  onions and carrots stalks are huge and fat so i think they are going well.

So work tomorrow!

Oh a cute pic of the kids playing together in the playroom at home:


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