Monday, December 27, 2010



I'm not sure what we did this year that made it so much better than every other year - i mean this yr jonathan has a job he isnt too thrilled with, ive just started back at work and hating it, we have no family at all around us so it was just the 4 of us but perhaps that was it, that the kids are older so its not just like jonathan and me on our own perhaps cos we have 2 little ones that are talkative and have little personalities it makes us feel less lonely.  And usually on Christmas day we drive down to Bondi and see all the cars out and abotu driving to and from each sets of parents houses and that makes us feel sad as we have no-ones to go round to its just the 2 of us but this year we stayed home all day as they kids just wanted to play in the pool and play with their toys  - im not what the reason was really  but either way, this year we had the BEST day :)

We also have the BBQ down pat as most years we have struggles with the food side of things.  Both growing up in the UK where its usually snowing we usually have the traditional northern hemisphere roast turkey and vegies .. but its ususally hot we dont enjoy it.  Well since we moved house we bought a BBQ and have been cooking up a storm with that and have got pretty good at what we like to eat on the BBQ and ive got good at the home made marinades and also the salads and what the kids will eat - well Greta will eat anything lol but Miles is a bit more fussy .. like his Daddy!.  So this yr for the first time we just went to the fish markets and got a whole snapper, some prawns and some scallops and i J cooked them on the BBQ, i then made  a salad and a potato salad and we set it all out on the table outside, stick the overhead fan on to keep flies away and then all got stuck in and it was so yummy!! I then had a chocolate log id bought from a local pattiserie and we ate that afterwards.. it was so yummy!  The only thing i will change next yr is i would like to make my own choccy log - perhaps becoming a tradition type of thing that i make it.. but ill perfect that over this yr so its perfect for Xmas day..

Then we all jumped in the pool - well Greta had a nap. she slept for abotu 6 hours all up on Chrissy day for her naps.. she likes to sleep but i think the day of pressie openings, swimming in the pool and the heat knocked her out!

Then we hug out and played with the kids pressies before jumping in the pool just before the kids bedtime again :)

Boxing day: headed to Bondi and spent the afternon on the beach and after having lunch - it was raining north where we are but east where bondi is it was a glorious day.

Yesterday was Jonathans birthday - 38!! Yikes! And only 5 yrs older than me.. i feel old being married to al almost 40 yr old lol but i am only 5yrs behind! We went out to dinner last night at a local italian restaurant which was just lovely.. He chose to hang out at home during the day and watch the cricket - which i indungled him in as he NEVER watches TV so it was a first.. he was thrilled that the Brits are winning, im torn - my kids are Australian and ive lived here most of my adult life - yeah i grew up in the UK and sound English but since i got married and moved out of my parents home we emigrated out here almost straight away so my adult life has been lived in Australia .. As J is 5 yrs older he did the uni and then buying his own house in the UK so he feels more English.. plus all his friends out here are English and he seems to employ english people for his assitants where as i have gone out of my way to hang out with Aussies and make friends with them - i could have joined a local English peoples club but on purpose i chose to stay away from it and now have a grat bunch of aussie friends - so i dunno im torn - i think ill just side with which ever team wins lol.

So today i think we are staying home and trying to potty train Miles - oh thats a post in itself will come back to that one!

Tomorrow all of Mums group are getting together at the park for a Christmas party  - so looking forward to that.  Will be lovely for Miles to hang out with all his friends.

Jonathan is back at work tomorrow , thursday and half a day on Friday and then off for 3 days and i think we are heading on a boat trip over next weekend.

Anyway enough babbling.. If anyone does read this i hope you all had as nice a Christmas as we have, and thats really saying something as we had the most lovely Christmas that i recall in a long time :)

Oh i forgot to say, i got an ipod and cook book from J :) and he got some cufflinks and a cup the kids had drawn on and hand printed themselves in a ceramics store.

Some pics of our llovely Christmas:

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