Got my princess diagnosed with eczema yesterday :( her little legs are arms and feet and a few other spots incl her privates are SO SO sore.. seh keeps screathcing.
So anyway i was told to get some cortisone cream and also a few girls from FB told me to stop using J&J, well i used it for Miles and he has never had problems but Greta has had little sore spots on and off for a few months now - most likely the J&J not helping with all the chemicals in it. So anyway i got some MooGoo, which is chemical free. so will use that from now on.
I put the cortisone on yesterday and i got her up this morning and i checked it and i would say its a good 25% better.
Another tip from a mum who has a little girl who suffered terribly with it is to kepe it moist/damp and put heaps of cream on - and also steroids are good for eczema anyway so i decided to go with that and the improvement is fantastic!! SO happy! So once this is cleared up and her skin appears to be free i will get some aqueous cream i think its called to lather on her and keep her skin moist. Just got to treat it first, and then try to keep it away. Hoping she grows out of it.
Im also wondering if its started up as i changed washing powders??? I used to use surf and used it for years but it never got the stains out, and i threw so many clothes away that i couldn't get the stains out of. So Jonathan googled it and read about some reasearch some scientists did and apparently Omo was the best. so i swapped to that about a month ago - pretty much when the Eczema got worse!
Also will make sure her clothes are nice and soft. I always put her bonds suits and towels in the dryer so they are soft as the washing line makes them rough.. but i will be extra careful.
Erm in other news.....
Didn't go to the zoo yesterday. my friends still went and we called over to one of their hosues after our shopping trip and she said she had JUST got home!! it was 4.15om so im glad we didnt go now as we had so much to do and wouldnt have got any of it done.
Still got to go to post office today to post a present off to the UK, yes i know it wont get there in time now but at least it will be on its way. Also got to pick up the chocolate log i ordered fro the patisserie and go to the fish markets for a nice big peice of fish and some prawns and perhaps some scallops too.
Might go to the deli for some potato salad too although i saw a yummy recipe i want to try to make my own.. but ive ran out of time so that will have to wait to experiment with that.
Also need to make some Christmas cupcakes with Miles and a trifle for Jonathan.
Have to return the kids books to the library and get a few more for them and do the housework and have so much washing to do.
Phew tired thinking about it all!
Well i think Greta has gone to sleep now so will go and load the diswasher and get myself ready to head up to the library with the kdis.
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