So just back from story time at the library.
Greta was toddling around, she if FINALLY getting the hang of the walking thing! At the grand old age for 19.5 months! Can still only minage maye 2 or 3 steps on her own, but is up on her feet all the time trying - so hopefully won't be to long till she has a grasp of it.
So was talking to the hubby yesterday about phase 2 of our reno plans.
So far we have ripped out 2 bathrooms, including ripping out the walls and re designing the shape or the rooms and fitted new bathroom equipment...then we made another bathroom where the laundry was. then we refitted out another area for the laundry room..
Then in the lounge room we ripped out the bar area and turned it into a giant book case area..
So stage 2 is in 2 parts:
1. turning a portion of the garage into a guest room - for when the family visit from the UK, we already out a shower room and toilet in there when we did phase 1 of the renovations. (this we will do in Aug this year)
2. Take down the wall seperating the kitchen and dining room and move back the kitchen area to where the dining room is, then put up a new wall- so in effect we end up with a huge kitchen/diner & family room area.. instead of at present we have a kitchen and family room off it and then in a seperate room is the dining room, so i want to make the dining area a part of the kitchen/family area and make it all a much bigger open plan space.
(hmmm, will come back later and add some pics of the house so it makes sense - will add some before and after pics also of what we did with the bathroom and other areas too)
So that will cost about $10,000 so can't afford to do that for another 18 months - 2yrs.
So its a work in progress :)
Other than that. still dong ok... missing people still, btu happy we have have sorted out their visits ove the next 12 months and also my visit back there next year :)
As awful as it sounds, its good to hear there are people feeling the same as me! i know that sounds like im glad others are feeling lonely too - and im not, its just nice that its just not me feeling this way and others have the same problems...I mentioned how i was feeling on FB on a little private group a few of us have on there, and, well, some lovely people out there :o)
Plus i can't stay in a down in the dumps mood with my 2 little munchkins - the day i was having the bad day, i went and sat on my bed with Greta, and she climbed onto my chest and just hugged me and then started to say Awwww mummy, it was so darn cute... then she got up and started to try and bounce on the bed as her brother does - and her giggles are infections. Then Miles came in and tried to show her how to do a rolly polly - they were just giggling and laughing and its hard not to end up in a good mood with the pair of them so happy :)
Funny thing is, when hubby married me, he said the thing that attracted him was the fact im so level headed and he has had a few GF who have been like a rollercoaster of emotions and i was always so straight talking and not ruled by my emotions and just very stable i guess - well we all have a few down days, but i needed to pull myself together i guess and have somewhat.. I guess i have 2 options. Move or Stay - and deal with whatever comes along with those 2 options.. for me, for now. Staying is the option - so need to go about trying to feel less lonely.. be brave and try and make more friends i guess.......... always been terrible at that. Thats why i think i wanted to go back home, as i have ready made family and friends there i have known forever and its easy, i don't have to 'try' as i do here.. but try i shall!
Anyway, little miss is asleep and really need to clean the play room - totally trashed!
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