Miles has been diagnosed with the flu - nasty nasty thing! i have only been unlucky to have it twice in my life - but then im 33yrs old! Can't belive my 3 year old has it!
Anyway he has had soaring temps, up to 39.7 degrees! Just been laying in bed sobbing and shouting out Mummy i want you, every 5 - 10 mins which was a lot easier to deal with as the last couple of days he has wanted to sit on my lap, which made it hard to look after/entertain Greta too - so ended up having to lift him up and thats of course upset him.. so anyway, having him laying in bed and just popping in to him every 10 mins or so to give him a sip of water, hold his hand, wipe his nose! Whatever he wanted - actually thats a good thing about the flu, there are no couhing or runny noses, just aching bones and soaring temps.
Anyway after 2 sleepless nights for me and Miles, he has been playing in the garden for 20 mins or so with Greta this afternoon so i think he is on the mend.. i do admit to being in tears with him, while he was hot and sobbing, broke my heart.. poor little man.
oh then he had diarrhea! oh the joys!
Greta is well though.,
jonathan has finally been told he can no longer go on contracting - as they pay him a much higher rate when contracting, so he will be going permanant in the next few weeks - damn! oh well, lower weekly wage but paid holidays and sick.. not that he is ever off sick but he hasn't taken a holiday since july last year when we went to the UK.. so we're all a bit worn out!
Looking forward to the Easter break. Going to hopefullg get Miles well again and just potter at home, my all time fave thing to do :) well next to travel of course, but can't afford that at present!
So, somehow managed to keep the house clean and tidy, on top of all the washing/ironing so can get on with enjoying our break tomorrow :)
Got a friends little ones birthday coming up so bought a couple books from the Book Depository - they are so so cheap i love them! And this one for Miles:
We officially covered the pool over for winter - very sad, miss my daily swim, but it will be spring again soon and that cover will be ripped off!
Grandma and Grandad are coming to visit in Jan for 2-3 months, very excited about that, Miles and Greta can get spoilt!
erm think thats it...
Oh and of course Miles starts Pre-school next Friday!!!!! No clue what Greta is going to do without him, she has never been parted from him, she has been finding it hard him being sick - she keeps shouting "My. My" but he has been too sick to play with her :(
On that note, a couple of pics of the little munchkins:
Watching Cat in a hat on TV, very happy to have her partner in crime on his way back to good health :)
And of course my sick little man:
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