Had a very relaxing day at home yesterday - just pottered around at home .... one of my great pleasures in life :)
jonathan let me have a lie in till 9am - normally i end up getting up earlier as hear Greta yelling Mummy at the top of her lungs and searching the house for me and i can't stand for her to want me and not have me with her so i get up for her... but i slept like the living dead! Im not sure if she didn't do it yesterday morning for some reasone or if, as i've been sick for a good couple weeks now, i just needed to have an extra lie in and slept right through it.
I, certainly not sleep deprived as they both sleep 13 hours straight overnight so i guess just being sick for so long caught up with me.. anyway i do feel pretty good now but i still have a bad cough - thats turned into a whistling sound and of course its gone straight to my chest and has set off my asthma - oh woe is me i know lol but im hopefully on the road to recovery after 3 colds one straight after another... well least i have it and not Miles - thats one thing to be grateful for that my little man isn't sick... my poor princess does have it though - but after about a month she seems well on the road to recoverly.
She did go through a funny thing where she had no day nap for 3 days and was clingy in the extreme - but i just cant complain as she is such a please her have around, adore my little girl.. so no drama really, she jsut litereally scremed her way through 3 days and was very very tired - and as jonathan is out the house from 8am till 8.30pm ... its was fun let me put it that way! im grateful i ma patient person by nature! and with a veyr very clingy miles which is normal for him - mummy was rather split!
But i know at 18 months its normal to go through a major sleep issue - they go trhough major changes and for abotu 4 weeks their sleep changes and they wont go to sleep as normal.. i remember it with Miles... i guess its odd for them too to go through the 18 month changes... least i knew there would be an end to it - but it only lasted for 3 days for Greta..it was a week or 2 with Miles. But then Greta does like her slepe lol so i guess that won out in the end.
Then today i went to the Movie with Miles.. we watched Hop - it was great for Miles as I wanted to spend some 1 on 1 time with him and jonathan to spend some 1 on 1 time with Greta so we took ourselves off and will do this once a month or so ... each time ive done it ive had a ball with my little man, he is so full of questions and interested in everything. We had a snack and browsed all the boutique toy shops.. he has exquisite taste i love to browse shops with him.
Jonathan had fun with Greta - when im home she is so mummy obsessed poor Daddy can't get a look in so it was great to take myself and Miles out and they got to hang out.. although part of that was her nap.
Anyway that was the weekend.. pottering on Saturday and Movies and window shopping on Sunday.
Of course this week is a short week - so will enjoy the Easter hols as a family and do the egg hunt and decorate some eggs with Miles this week.
Oh and Jonathan made his famous pastry for a pie on Saturday - yummmmm!
Some pics from our lovely weekend:
I really should do another list of what Greta is up to.. not much change as far as walking, but words - she says so much im amazed - she was standing at the back windows yesteray - we had torrential rain and she suddenly goes "daddy, raining" i had no idea she could say rain, or even knew what it was..she's an amazing little girl.
Ok all from me - looking forward to the Easter break and having my hubby home for 5 days!
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