Miles broke his arm on Monday, i keep recounting the story for people and really, i'm not sure what they are expecting, but when i tell them how he broke it they look rather disapointed, so i think i will just say he was sky diving or swimming with sharks or something! He's 4, what am i meant to say!
Anyway the truth of it is that he was simply standing in the playroom off the kitchen and was between the couch and Greta's dolls house, he was half standing on the dolls house and half kneeling on the couch and kept swapping positions, i was sitting right in front of him on the couch and he's talking to me and watching TV at the same time.. then simply tripped, not sure if he went to walk around the couch and tripped over it or if he was just standing there putting his feet on and off the couch/dolls house, but right in front of me i saw him trip over and fall, not far, as he was standing on the floor, but just fell sidewards, left arm out to break his fall and cue terrible screaming - i jumped up to say 'Miles i told you not to be putting your feet up on the couch/dolls house cos you'll trip over' but before i got to say any of that i glanced down for a quick scan of any damage and his por left arm was twisted into such a biazarre shape - i kepe having flash backs of it.. it was terrible, instantly knew he had broken it.
So said to him, and by now he was totally calm just kept saying ouch when trying to move his arm, he said it didnt hurt!! high pain threshhold perhaps - ive no idea if a broken arm hurts or not..
So i said he has broken it and needs to get in the car to go to hospital - whisked him up there - and slong story short, $500 later, an x-ray and a fantastic friend taking Greta for the night and all the next day until 9pm and he has broken both bones, radius and ulna in his left forearm - he had to have surgery, which was just so scary, holding yoru baby on your lap while they gassed him to sleep and his little body went all limp.. needless to say i lost it several times and sobbed like a baby myself.. Miles however was so very brave all the time.. and the staff were fantastic, cannot find fault with any of them.
So now we are home and he has a full arm cast that will be on for 5 weeks.
He's ok at home but gets a bit anxious when we go out and about so staying home with him as much as possible.. he had trouble sleeping but actually slept all night for the first time last night.
I've been sleeping with him though so may have to get him into bed by himself soon and see how that goes.
Ok a few pics of the brave little man:
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