Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's begining to look a lot like Christmas..

All sorted for Chirstmas this year. 

For the first time ever!

í got the bulk of the gifts in July and have just been paying them off, even the Parents gifts..

I've picked about half of it up and have gift wrapped them. Just need to collect the next lot mid Dec and then gift wrap them.

We sold j's bike, he just wasn't using it since he got his new car. I'm sure he will get a new one in a couple years.

So yeah, less than 4 weeks till Christmas and all organised! Even had a chat about what food we will buy over christmas, like extra treats and sea foods etc..

So just a home day for us, probably have a BBQ at home just the 4 of us and head off to the beach.

Then the mum in law and her hubby are coming over for 3 weeks in Jan, so that should be great for the kids to spend some time with their grandma. I'm sure they get sick of being with the 2 of us all the time!

Then we are all heading off on a holiday which is what im really looking forward to, not had once since Jan of this year and really looking forward to heading off on a bit of a road trip for a week.

So yep Christmas, and a crazy week leading up to the last week before.  I have Miles' orientation to Prep at his new pre-school/ school.  He's going to the Hills Grammar School and they have just opened a Pre-shcool for 4 yr olds, as a prep to the lead up to him starting Kindy the year after.. The Pre-school at the top of the street we live in now is so crappy, they just leave them to their own devices so i really don't want him to go there next year.. so we went and got his uniform and he is so excited to start in jan - 2 days a week!
SO we have orientation for that on the Tuesday the 12th, then we have Playgroup Christmas party, so have to rush over for that the same day after orentatin finishes.
WE also have his current Pre-school leaving party that same day which we just cannot attend, i've tried to work out whats best to go to and what he will enjoy the most and as much as i would like to do all 3, they just overlap in time and Greta will have to miss her day sleep, its just not possible..

Monday we have a pantomime at the library that i took the kids to last year and was really good fun, so going to that again.

Wednesday we have our Playgroup party.

Thursday is Christmas story time at our local library, stories and songs and crafts and snacks, looking forward to that.

And next Monday is Miles' music calss concert - he has to learn 3 songs, jingle bells being one, which he has mastered half of, and 2 others.. one he knows and the other is a new one we have to learn this week.

So yeah busy busy lead up to Christmas, glad we have a week off over Chritmas!

Weight loss wise im going good.  im donw 12.5 kgs since mid September when i started so im happy with that.

i'd love to lose another 3.5kgs before Christmas to take me under the 15kg mark, but we will see.I'm trying really hard so i hope to make it.. still another 25 or so to go after that! But im making good progress and am well on my way so im happy.
Fitting into so many more clothes that i had got too big for, so thats great.

Its warm here at the moment, very unlike last year, it was stinking hot last year, had so many days over 40 degrees C.
This year is so much cooler, well it gets hot and then gets nice and cool again.. which is good as i do love it hot but last year was a killer as we didn;t have any air con units!
This year we have bought 2 new air con units.  We have one installed in the kitchen/family room.. so thats fantastic! somewhere to cool down :) and we have 1 on the way in via courier,we orderd it about 3 weeks ago and still waiting for it to arrive!
That will go in the bedroom, the we want to get 2 fans, one for each of the kids bedrooms and just have 1 more to get then to do the rest of the house, but that will be a big one so will have to wait till next year for that one.
Least we have a couple anyway, so thats more than we had last year.

Ok all for now.


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