Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I've just picked up a crappy cold :(

Started yesterday really, I was at Playgroup and felt crap so left after an hour.. I let the kids have morning tea there and do the craft, which was just stamping, nothing exciting.. So I left early and came home. Put Greta to bed and flopped on the couch and snuggled with Miles.

I felt a little better in the afternoon and after I got Greta up I made meatballs for dinner with Miles' help.

Jonathan didn't get home till about 10pm, I was in bed fast asleep... He woke me to say hello and brought me some water :)

He really needs to employ a couple of people to help him, he has so much work on. He's got a PA now and another PM but needs another PM really - he's snowed under, which is just fantastic! But means he's leaving at 6.55am and isn't home till after 8pm most nights.. Long days. Normally fine but when I'm sick, of course we gave no family here so no help.

Anyway, today I woke feeling rather crap :(. So I'm in crap Mum mode today.. I handed the kids a sheet of stickers each this morning and a price of paper each and that entertained then for an hour.

Then cuddles with Mummy for an hour. Greta had her nap and Miles watched TV. In the afternoon I've just opened the door as it's a lovely 26 degrees today and they are actually having a ball playing outside. I'm just sitting in the shade. They have lots to play with.. 2 cubbyhole houses, a sand table, roller coaster, a slide and a trampoline I actually laid on the trampoline for about 2 hours with my book while Greta and Miles had a ball jumping about. Now Greta is playing with the kitchen in the cubbyhole house and Miles.. Well he's hanging around me, he's never been able to just play and entertain himself bless him.. Which is not hood when I'm sick and have no energy..

So I guess not too bad really, but I'm just used to doing activities and groups outside of home and at home lots of fun craft and things.. And I've litteralt been laying on the couch all day and they've been playing with stickers and then I've sat in the chair and they've played outside. But I guess it's just once in a blue moon, I never normally sit at all during the day it's usually go go go with entertaining them and activities like Playgroups and classes and story time and playmates... So I probably shouldn't be too hard on myself.

I must have known I was getting sick. On Monday I suddenly decided to scrub the house from top to bottom, took about 4 hours but it shines now.. Thank goodness as I won't be doing much this week!

And i have a few bits to do too, I have to collect the lay by for Greta for her birthday and I have to do the weekly shop tomorrow.. Will just have a rest day tomorrow and will have to get back to it tomorrow.

I think Greta has really enjoyed her longing day .. Shed been playing in her cubbyhole house for about half an hour and I hear giggling :)

She keeps asking Miles to play with her but he's not good at playing and entertaining himself, he needs an activity set for him and someone to sit and watch him do it. But not Greta, she can just entertain herself.

Anyway. Best get back to relaxing


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