Tuesday, September 20, 2011

on the hunt for a new car ....again!

The car situation has come up again!

Well we started looking for a new car for me.  Jonathan was going to use his bike for work... but then decided that as my car is 5 yrs old adn really was fine after we spent a fortune on fixing it after it crapped itself!

Well now it seems jonathan needs a car for work, he has won some work all over the place from the gong up to the Central Coast - so can't really be rinding all over with clients on the back of his bike! So he needs a car, he has been taking the Jeep on the odd day i don't need it, but then im left withouht a car and its just a pain really.. so anyway.  he needs a car, so we were going to get him a car and leave me with my Jeep - then the damn thing crapped itself again! The 'check engine light' keeps coming on - anyway after a few conversations we have decided to just get us both a new car. 
We were unsure what to get but as i have had 2 Jeeps now it just makes sense to go for another and they have come down in price since we got our current one 5 yrs ago.

So yep i think we will go with that..  So i've booked in the kids nanny to look after them in a couple of weekends time and we are off to test drive.

Least i know what i want now, just a bog standard Jeep Cherokee.  And Jonathan has narrowed it down to 2 cars he is interested in.  The place we are going to in Miranda has them both so thats good, we can test drive them both.

So more money to outlay that we cant afford but, i think in the long run it will save us money as we will have to spend a fortune on the engine fault and also the air con isn't working - that will be a nightmare over summer and cost thousands to fix.  SO chaper in the long run.

In other news. 

Play group today..

Went into the city on Monday to the Museum with the kids..

Just recovering from a cold also, that Greta picked up and Miles seems a little sick today, unsure if its from the 4 yr needles he had yesterday or from the cold i passed onto him im not sure.

Also counting down to the long weekend.  Its also Greta's 2nd birthday then too but Jonathan gets the Monday off!

He's not had a single day off since Feb when he took 2 days off to come away with the kids and me and my parents.. Im desperate for a holiday!  So counting down till Jan for our weeks holiday!  Jonathan will take a week off too.. the first in a while!  Well he's taking a week off at Christmas but we will just stay home - boring... need a holiday, can't afford one :(  Roll on our Jan trip with the in-laws.

Only other thing going on is Greta has started potty training so see how we go with that..

So we have Justine concert coming up at the Opera House and tinking of booking tickets to the see the Gruffalo there too next week. 

Oh and took Miles to see the Smurfs.. Miles loved it.

Ok thats all.  Must get on. 


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