...had such a big day yesterday at the Worlds Biggest Playgroup at the Maritime museum in sydney - left the house at 8.30am and didn't get home till almost 3pm - put Greta down for a nap when we got home them when she woke, about 5.30pm i gave her and Miles dinner then we went to do the weekly shop at 6pm! Kids didn't get to bed till 7.30pm - which is late for them.
i was so so worn out yesterday, it was a great day and we say the ZingZillas and Angeline Ballerina and Dorothy and face painting and also had a great time checking out the ships and the submarines at the museum but feel like i've done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson today!
So a lazy day today - met a couple of friends at the park this morning, going to do all the laundry today but jsut stay home i think.
Miles will start 1 daya week at a local KU Pre-shcool after the Easter break. SO that'll be good for him.. He is going with his best friend who also attends one day a week. So that fits well.
Greta and i still have a cold :(
Jonathan has to go and sit his maths test on Monday for this job with the anglican Church - although the one where he will travel all over SE Asia is stll up for grabs and is still waiting for his interveiw date for that.
I so hope he gets that one, he is down to the final 2 again, as he was last time but missed out last time - he is so so so excited to be back in the running for it since it didnt work out last time for the other guy them emplyed -3rd time lucky!??!
Erm... i called about the job i was hunted down about - i really don't want to work till Miles starts scool in 2013, or ideally 2014 as Greta could start school then potentially when she is 4 - although i think 4 is pretty young to be attending school... but then in the UK where i grew up, school starts at age 3! i was attending full time at 3yrs and 2 months! But i guess its up to the childs personality. i mean there is no way Miles would be ready before 5.5yrs of age... hmm will see how we go.
Anyway i rang them just to say, look i could do 2 days a week but no more and just wondered what was going on as i had an interview about 2 months ago.. they said they are still trying to work through what they want and will let me know how they go... so we will see, but im happy staying home for now.
Erm - so went to the park with some friends today and they both had fun playing with their friends - Greta is the only one not walking, so they asked if im worried about her - but im really not, i think she will walk when she wants and she doesnt seem to care that she cant keep up with the others - in fact rather than the others running off and playing, they all seem to congregate around her! She's like a little magnet, everyone wants to play with her - oh i so wish i could be like her... i watch her and just marvel at how social she is and how popular - and when the kids run off to play she just does her own thing and doesnt care - so wish i were more care free like Greta. Miles is very much like me, not comfy in a crowd and over thinks things way too much.
He played with one of his friends today and was so happy and my heart just melts for him.. but other days if he gets up the couraget to ask to play and someone says no - thats it, one remark like that will set him back weeks! It will take him weeks to build up the courage to speak to another child again at the park or wherever... Jonathan says i overthink it and he's fine, but i know different as im exactly the same! Greta just doesn't care and seems to take nothing to heart - i wish i were more like that. I could watch her for hours she is fascinating to me.
In other new: we have a granny flat type thing at this house that we keep meaning to do up for my parents to stay in and also jonathans nephew when he comes to visit but never seem to have the money.. so thats on the agenda for july time when the weather cools down a bit. Bathroom we ripped out and re-fitted, so thats all good its just the bedroom/living area. Its painted and the flooring is fine - just needs all the junk clearing out and an internal wall puttinging in to seperate it off. Will be better when its done as my parents wont have to pay for a hotel them cna sleep here and have their own apartment and space but for free! So for $500 or so we need to get that fixed up - tax time i think will cover that.
Well Miles decided his cubby house is dirty and has stripped out the couch and little fridge and cooker in there- so best go help him put it al back in!
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