Sunday, March 20, 2011

Is officially un-employed !!

Or a SAHM again as i prefer to call it :)

The last job just did not work out - i was working 3 days  a week to bring home less than $100 a week after childcare was paid for.

Miles HATES day care - he had day care 1 day a week and his nanny (who he ADORES) 2 days a week.

Greta was sick ALL THE TIME - picking up so many bugs from the 1 day at day care - i recall when Miles first started and was sick all the time.

Greta has had abotu 1 cold in her entire life - after 8 weeks in childcare she had 2 colds, conjunctivitis and Roseola - all that in 8 weeks, where as in 15 months she had nothing at all really.... so feeling a bit bad about her being out of the house and with other people picking up bug after bug after germ after germ.

That and the job stank - it was never going to work, there was not enough work for me.. they really wanted someone 5 days a week but 3 or so hours a day and i said nope i need 3 full days to make it pay with daycare - anyway whatever the reasons it just did not work and i am SO SO happy to be outta there!

SO talked jonathan into letting me stay home till Miles starts school in 2013, then Greta will be just over 3yrs old and can start day care at the same school he will go to - i hate having to seperate them.  So i have another 21 months home with my babies :)

In other news, we had the real estate guys round and the house has gone up around $150,000 -  $200,000 in the past 12 months - we spent a fair amout renovating it, but still thats a good amout to go up - our old house went up nothing like that amount in 5 yrs! So we agreed to sell.  Explained to Miles that we were moving and he was like yeah ok... researched other houses to buy and worked out that we could pay off the bills we have left over from when we renovated the house and still have plenty left over to put in a savings account - awesome!

........... then suddenly we both decided that we do love this house and dont want to move!

SO i just caled the real estate guy and said erm sorry we are staying!  So we if live cheaply and have no holidays (gulp - us no holidys! we have a holiday roughly every 3 months!) then we can afford to pay off out reno debt in the next 18 months and by the time Miles starts at shcool when he's 5.5yrs old we will be all good!

Thats the plan anyway - i do love living here, i love the pool its fantastic, and the back yard, well we spend almost everyday hanging out in the back yard its so fantstic for the kids here - its a big house so a pain to clean but so much space for us all and we have it all set out as we want it now... so anyway we said we'd review in 6 months and see if all is still going to plan and we can always sell and pull put the cash and get straight that way - but id love to get straight and still keep this house.  Its gone up in value so much in just 12 months, and its a hard to get into suburb so id be worried about not being able to get back here again - so we are sticking for now - will be very tight, but im sure we will get there.

So Miles and Greta are staying home for now - id love to send Miles to  a preshcool 1 day a week but cant afford it at present, so see how we go for next yr.  he's only 3.5 yrs old so plenty of time.

So list for this week:

Monday - music class
tuesday - story time at the library
wednesday - playgroup in the city this week at Darling Harbour / food shop
Thursday - story time at the library
Friday - no plans yet.

SO thats it for this week..

Ahhh so happy to be a sahm again :)


1 comment:

  1. Wow, so much big news! Congrats on becoming a SAHM again. I love knowing that I won't work out of home before the boys are all at school, even if it means sacrificing things along the way. It's a shame about your work, but so wonderful for the family.

    Huge news on the house too! It'd be very hard to give up somewhere that feels like such a lovely home.
