Sunday, March 27, 2011

This weeks list

The weekend first.

Voting (and a victory!! bye bye Labour NSW!!!! Whooo hooooo) and went to Miles' preschool on saturday - well soon to be pre-school, he starts in May this yer - he'll be 3yrs and 9 months old :)

Sunday we had a trip out to Ebenezer, to see Australias oldest church - and it rained!

A parcel arrived today from the UK from my mother in law, lots of gorgeous clothes for the kids some some lovely english stores :) gorgeous - and a note saying if the fit she will get some more :)

Monday - music class - Miles LOVED it today - cant pick it, some days he goes into his trance and wont move or speak - other days, like today he joined in like the best of them and LOVED it.
Then a friend poppede over for   a play and i had to sign some paperwork as im the new Playgorup co-ordinator.

Tuesday - Going up to the local curch for a new movement and play session with a couple of mums group/playgroup friends.
Then Miles is starting Soccer lessons!! He is so excited.  Think we will begin next term, but he gets to go along for a free session to see if he likes it  - lets see if its a 'switched' on or off session of him!

Wednesday -playgroup, im in kids mornign tea so best get baking! and food shop.

Thursday - Mums group in the morning and story time in the afternoon.

Friday - baby bounce at the local library and house work!

thats abotu it really, just pottering today - kids are sitting at the table having a tea party, very cute.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lazy day...

...had such a big day yesterday at the Worlds Biggest Playgroup at the Maritime museum in sydney - left the house at 8.30am and didn't get home till almost 3pm - put Greta down for a nap when we got home them when she woke, about 5.30pm i gave her and Miles dinner then we went to do the weekly shop at 6pm!  Kids didn't get to bed till 7.30pm - which is late for them.
i was so so worn out yesterday, it was a great day and we say the ZingZillas and Angeline Ballerina and Dorothy and face painting and also had a great time checking out the ships and the submarines at the museum but feel like i've done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson today!

So a lazy day today - met a couple of friends at the park this morning, going to do all the laundry today but jsut stay home i think.

Miles will start 1 daya week  at a local KU Pre-shcool after the Easter break.  SO that'll be good for him.. He is going with his best friend who also attends one day a week.  So that fits well.

Greta and i still have a cold :(

Jonathan has to go and sit his maths test on Monday for this job with the anglican Church - although the one where he will travel all over SE Asia is stll up for grabs and is still waiting for his interveiw date for that.

I so hope he gets that one, he is down to the final 2 again, as he was last time but missed out last time - he is so so so excited to be back in the running for it since it didnt work out last time for the other guy them emplyed  -3rd time lucky!??!

Erm... i called about the job i was hunted down about - i really don't want to work till Miles starts scool in 2013, or ideally 2014 as Greta could start school then potentially when she is 4 - although i think 4 is pretty young to be attending school... but then in the UK where i grew up, school starts at age 3! i was attending full time at 3yrs and 2 months!  But i guess its up to the childs personality.  i mean there is no way Miles would be ready before 5.5yrs of age... hmm will see how we go. 

Anyway i rang them just to say, look i could do 2 days a week but no more and just wondered what was going on as i had an interview about 2 months ago.. they said they are still trying to work through what they want and will let me know how they go... so we will see, but im happy staying home for now.

Erm - so went to the park with some friends today and they both had fun playing with their friends - Greta is the only one not walking, so they asked if im worried about her - but im really not, i think she will walk when she wants and she doesnt seem to care that she cant keep up with the others - in fact rather than the others running off and playing, they all seem to congregate around her!  She's like a little magnet, everyone wants to play with her - oh i so wish i could be like her... i watch her and just marvel at how social she is and how popular - and when the kids run off to play she just does her own thing and doesnt care - so wish i were more care free like Greta.  Miles is very much like me, not comfy in a crowd and over thinks things way too much.
He played with one of his friends today and was so happy and my heart just melts for him.. but other days if he gets up the couraget to ask to play and someone says no - thats it, one remark like that will set him back weeks! It will take him weeks to build up the courage to speak to another child again at the park or wherever... Jonathan says i overthink it and he's fine, but i know different as im exactly the same!  Greta just doesn't care and seems to take nothing to heart - i wish i were more like that.  I could watch her for hours she is fascinating to me.

In other new:  we have a granny flat type thing at this house that we keep meaning to do up for my parents to stay in and also jonathans nephew when he comes to visit but never seem to have the money.. so thats on the agenda for july time when the weather cools down a bit.  Bathroom we ripped out and re-fitted, so thats all good its just the bedroom/living area.  Its painted and the flooring is fine - just needs all the junk clearing out and an internal wall puttinging in to seperate it off.  Will be better when its done as my parents wont have to pay for a hotel them cna sleep here and have their own apartment and space but for free!  So for $500 or so we need to get that fixed up - tax time i think will cover that.

Well Miles decided his cubby house is dirty and has stripped out the couch and little fridge and cooker in there- so best go help him put it al back in!


Monday, March 21, 2011


Thought id add  a list of things Greta is doing as will be 18 months old next week!

Would have made more sense to do it next week when she actually is 18 months i know, but if i do that im sure i will forget and then it'll be 19 months, 20 months and who knows when i will get around to it.

So as a foreword - im sure she advanced in some things as she is behind is some things too.

Like her fine motor skills - i recall when she was a few weeks old and i gave her a dummy, Miles never had one so i didn't know what to expect, other than i read/heard a lot of people dong the 'dummy rĂșn' in the middle of the night.

Greta slept 12 hours straight 7pm -7am from 7 weeks of age.  Actually she slept 10 hours overnight in the hospital when she was a day old and probably would have gone on doing that but when we brought her home, we popped her straight in the cot in her own room as we did with Miles as a baby but she'd cry and wake up after an hour or so.. Thinking she was hungry we'd feed her, but she never wanted the feed, hardly took a drop overnight, so i'd end up sitting up with her on the couch and she'd fall asleep on my chest and sleep that way the entire night - not very comfy for mum though!

So after doing this for about a month i thought this is crazy and had a think about it... realised she was never waking for milk just for a snuggle - so i popped out and bought the Snuggle Bed!  From that night on she was sleeping 7pm  - 7am.

Anyway in this time, before i had my brain wave, i stuck a dummy in her mouth to see if she wanted to suck on something and, well that wasn't the issue, but she loved her dummy!

So, i was worried i'd be doing the 'dummy run' i'd heard about.  But nope. pretty much from day one of having a dummy, at around 4 weeks of age, she just used to shove it back in her mouth if it slipped out - i dont recall once getting up to her in the night to put her dummy back in.  Then several months later i recall hearing mums group friends etc saying that their little ones had just started to put their dummy back in themselves, so im thinking gosh Greta has done that for months!

Also when feeding her, i'd shove a heaped spoon in her mouth and she'd shove in any that fell out with her hands... the pincer grib she had down pat for a few months old - pointing she was doing from 6 months or so - so just very good with fine motor skills.

Walking on the other hand!  No where near, so i know she is way behind for that.  She started to surf the couch etc about 6 weeks ago - but still if she wants something she will get down and crawl to it rather than surf to it - she just hates being on her legs - has walkers and prams etc but no interest at all! 

So yeah, advanced with some things but behind with others.

So here is a list of a few things she is doing that i can think of:

Miles (said as My)
Amber (our cat)
Bye (and waves)
cat - meow
dog - woof woof
duck - quack quak
all gone
nose - and points to her nose
head - and points
cheeks - points
tounge - sticks it out
feet - and points
grandad (gradad)
Banana (narna)
night night
brum brum
A bumble bee
Hoot (from giggle and hoot)
Little star (as in twinkle twinkle - and does the actions)
no  and shakes her pretty little head.

And she will string a few together, like "Daddy, All gone" when her Daddy goes to work.. etc.

Still has 2 naps a day, usually 2 - 2.5 hours each.  1at around 9am till around 11am. then one around 2 or 2.30 till 4.30 or 5pm
Then bed is 6.30pm, and she will wake around 7.30am.
She can still only manage to be awake around 3 hours before she needs a nap.

Only a couple things i have found that she dislikes, which is kiwi fruit and rice crackers that Miles has.
She is a fantastic little eater and will eat anything put in front of her - loves a rice, veggies and tomatoes dish i make... favourtie foods are cherry tomatoes and sultanas.

Favourtie toy;
Lola - by a country mile!  She ADORES Lola and will scream the house down hunting for her! 
However she can sniff out and hunt down a doll ANYWHERE! she LOVES LOVES LOVES dolls, any doll the most.  Which is funny as when i was a kid, the only thing i would play with was Barbie dolls, i refused all other toys - so i see where she gets it from. She is a very girly girl, she squeals a lot, loves anything pink and sparkly and dolls... as i said LOVES dolls!

Other things;
Still only crawling
cant realyl stand unaided yet
draws - loves to draw, but just squiggles
loves Miles' sand and water table
Loves to be outdoors and play with balls outside with Miles, spend most of our time outdoors
Loves the cubby house - a favourtie with them both, although Miles showed no interested until Greta did!
Has a cup of milk at night and thats about it - about 100 mls at most id say - she had never been a big milk fan.  Has it for brekkie on her food and yoghurts and custards and cheese but not a fan of drinking it. 

I recall Miles at 12 months, trying to get him to stop taking milk from a bottle and use a cup instead and it was a battle - with Greta, no problem, she seems to prefer the cup to the bottle so it was no issues throwing out the bottles 6 months away - i hate seeimg babies with bottles though about 12 months, my little pet hate it just looks gross!  Well we all have silly little pet hates i guess.

So thats about all i can think of at present.

I'll add a recent picture of my little lady to this post too..

In other news:
Just went to the library for story time.  Miles did a craft activity there - that was pretty good.  Greta likes it too...Greta made friends with a little baby there - she is a bit of a social butterfly, i am terrible with chatting to people, as is Miles but i could watch Greta for hours, she makes friends wherever she goes too.  Anyway she was playing with a little girl and the mum asked me how old Greta is, i told her 18 months next week and she commented that she is petite!  Well i thought after having a small child (miles) for the past almost 4 yrs id have a bigger one with greta, but nope she is shaping up to be petite too - also she seems like she is older as she has so much hair - anyway, we will see her stats at her 18 month check up i guess!

Tomorrow we are off to Worlds Biggest Playgroup at the Maritime Museum in Sydney - looking forward to that, i like a trip inot Sydney - Miles does too, loves the mono-rail and the tall buildings - although this will be a very cheap trip as we are broke!

Best get on, i have a kitchen floor to mop before little Greta wakes, i have no energy though, need to do the laundry but i am still battling this cold - i feel rather lathargic, i do a little then have no energy..frustrating!

Erm think thats all...


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Is officially un-employed !!

Or a SAHM again as i prefer to call it :)

The last job just did not work out - i was working 3 days  a week to bring home less than $100 a week after childcare was paid for.

Miles HATES day care - he had day care 1 day a week and his nanny (who he ADORES) 2 days a week.

Greta was sick ALL THE TIME - picking up so many bugs from the 1 day at day care - i recall when Miles first started and was sick all the time.

Greta has had abotu 1 cold in her entire life - after 8 weeks in childcare she had 2 colds, conjunctivitis and Roseola - all that in 8 weeks, where as in 15 months she had nothing at all really.... so feeling a bit bad about her being out of the house and with other people picking up bug after bug after germ after germ.

That and the job stank - it was never going to work, there was not enough work for me.. they really wanted someone 5 days a week but 3 or so hours a day and i said nope i need 3 full days to make it pay with daycare - anyway whatever the reasons it just did not work and i am SO SO happy to be outta there!

SO talked jonathan into letting me stay home till Miles starts school in 2013, then Greta will be just over 3yrs old and can start day care at the same school he will go to - i hate having to seperate them.  So i have another 21 months home with my babies :)

In other news, we had the real estate guys round and the house has gone up around $150,000 -  $200,000 in the past 12 months - we spent a fair amout renovating it, but still thats a good amout to go up - our old house went up nothing like that amount in 5 yrs! So we agreed to sell.  Explained to Miles that we were moving and he was like yeah ok... researched other houses to buy and worked out that we could pay off the bills we have left over from when we renovated the house and still have plenty left over to put in a savings account - awesome!

........... then suddenly we both decided that we do love this house and dont want to move!

SO i just caled the real estate guy and said erm sorry we are staying!  So we if live cheaply and have no holidays (gulp - us no holidys! we have a holiday roughly every 3 months!) then we can afford to pay off out reno debt in the next 18 months and by the time Miles starts at shcool when he's 5.5yrs old we will be all good!

Thats the plan anyway - i do love living here, i love the pool its fantastic, and the back yard, well we spend almost everyday hanging out in the back yard its so fantstic for the kids here - its a big house so a pain to clean but so much space for us all and we have it all set out as we want it now... so anyway we said we'd review in 6 months and see if all is still going to plan and we can always sell and pull put the cash and get straight that way - but id love to get straight and still keep this house.  Its gone up in value so much in just 12 months, and its a hard to get into suburb so id be worried about not being able to get back here again - so we are sticking for now - will be very tight, but im sure we will get there.

So Miles and Greta are staying home for now - id love to send Miles to  a preshcool 1 day a week but cant afford it at present, so see how we go for next yr.  he's only 3.5 yrs old so plenty of time.

So list for this week:

Monday - music class
tuesday - story time at the library
wednesday - playgroup in the city this week at Darling Harbour / food shop
Thursday - story time at the library
Friday - no plans yet.

SO thats it for this week..

Ahhh so happy to be a sahm again :)


Monday, March 7, 2011

Missing my little boy...

He stayed out of the house for the first time yesterday - stayed with my parents and man did i find it hard to leave him there.  Ended up getting him in his PJ's and settling him into bed with a bedtime story before i could leave!  He was almost asleep by the time i left - and SOOO excited to be with his Grandparents overnight.  They are taking him into Manly today to play on the beach - then getting the ferry over into Sydney to Darling harbour to the big park there.... he will have a ball!

Greta woke this morning and it was so odd just having the 1 little one at home - anyway all i heard from her was " Miles, Miles, Miles" - then i put her in the car and she kept pointing at his seat saying Miles over and over again.  She misses him as much as i do!

Can't wait to see him later today :)

Other than that, all good.  Having a great time with the parents - been on holiday with them and for days out.. its like being a tourist again its great.  Miles and Greta adore them. 

Kids are fantastic - Greta is going through a major clingy phase and just wants to be held ALL the time and cries when i put her down, but thats ok, i just get extra cuddles :) Love my little girl - she's currently teething, has the back 2 top molars through.. but has been amazing.  Although has been refusing to go to bed until 9 pm.. has been up and down and up and down, then eventually settles abotu 9pm - but thats ok, can't complain she is usually such a fantastic little sleeper.. and having a few extra snuggles with her of an evening after her brother has gone to bed is quite lovely actually.

Ok thats all,.  Counting down till i see my little boy :)

Oh Jonathan:  He has been offered 1 job, although lower money than he wants - but with a good bonus every year - and just 10 mins from home... so no 1.5 hour drives into and back from work. (subject to a maths test - which is insane as he is a mathamatical genius).

Had another interview today for a hotel chain but didn't fancy the role.

Then another role that would see him travel again all over SE Asia - he got down to the final 2  a couple months back but missed out - that has come up again as it didnt work out for the other guy!

His current employer are also fighting to keep him...

So exciting times.....