Friday, December 30, 2011


Only gained 1kg over christmas and am back on the diet!

25kgs to go!

Things coming up in 2012:

  • The inlaws arrive.
  • Going on holiday to Pambula with the inlaws.
  • Miles starts at his new Prep/Preshcool
  • My parents come for Christmas 2012
  • J turns 40! 
  • Road trip to Broken Hill for J's 40th
  • Possibly a big road trip to Frazer island - we will see what we do mid year, may do something different - Bali/Fiji perhaps ??
  • Miles gets his cast off!!
Thats about it.

Christmas was lovely.  Had beach trips and movies and fishing, also a great big spring clean of the house, that felt great to do.

Looking after some chooks for a friend at the moment to - kids have been loving that.

Will be bad later with some pics of Christmas.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Busy couple of weeks.

  • Had Miles Pre-school orientaion and our interview with the head of the Pre-school.
  • kids Christmas party a Playgroup friends house with her kids and some others - Miles had a ball playing with his friends and Greta had a ball eating all the yummy food!
  • Miles appointment with his surgeon - all looks good and made an appointment to to have his cast removed on the 10th Jan.
  • Had  a lovely meal out with Greta's Mums group and OMG all we did was laugh, GREAT night :)
  • Jonathan is recovering from the MANFLU!  He's actually been too bad and hasn't passed it on to the kids thankfully.
  • Went to a Pantamime at the Library, it was really good..lots of chaising and kids squealing, both Miles & Greta LOVED it. Santa came for a visit at the end and Greta ate her own body weight in jelly Snakes!
  • Took them to the last Story time at the library for the year, was ok, lots of craft and singing but was a bit chaotic.
  • J had his 2 Christmas parties, complete with bollywood costume i had to go acquire for him lol!
  • Took the kids into the city to J's work Christmas party - they had such a ball and i got to wander around the city for a couple hours window shopping.  Miles got a Scooter from Santa and Greta got a Barbie - both LOVE their gifts :)
  • Did food shop today.. not too bad, i got a turkey, a ham, a roast pork, some choclates and big tin of biscuits and spent just under the $200 mark so im ok with that.  I spend $100 - $140 most weeks on food so an extra $60 on hams and turkey and biscuits and chocs  was pretty good i thought.
Other than that i thought i might do a quick list of the kids Christmas presents:

Little robot - remote control
Toy shop - to share with Greta (they LOVE to play shops together)
Lego - of a hospital
Dr's bag and accessories inc an x-ray machine
Tools and metal robot thing to make up (from his auntie)
Some books
Bubbles for his bubble maker
Ant farm

New born baby doll
Barbie doll
Dorothy cuddly
Dora doll
dora castle
Pram (from her auntie)
Vacuum cleaner (from Grandma)
and 3 great big boxes from My parents that i have no idea whats in them!

So i think they did pretty well.

Its been really tight this month, we have to pay for Miles' medical expenses on the 10th Jan so need to work that out somehow - but i get my tax return soon so that should cover a third of it.

Going on holiday in Feb and haven't saved nearly enough for that, so need to be really good with money in Jan in order to save enough for that!

Thats about it really.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Another great loss

I'm not down to a total of 14 kg's lost!

Im very happy with that however i do have about another 25 to lose :(  but im well on my way.

Been raining for 2 weeks, alost none stop so im very grateful we have lots of indoor activities for the little ones, other wise they'd be so bored!

We have play group and Music class and story times at the librabry.. we did have to stay home wiht Miles for that firt week and the poor little man was so so bored, but he Christmas craft has been so good and keeping him occupied.

All our activites end this and next week - we had the last story time today at the libraby :(

Was really good though, they did singing, which Greta loves!  and dancing which she is really into at the moment and can sing whole songs, mainly from the fairies and twinkle twinkle, word perfect, she amazes me with her vocab. a pantomime we are booked in to see next week, looking forward to that.. and of course Miles prep orientation on tuesday.

Then we have the Christmas party to go along to at Jonathans work for the kids, so quite a bit of sutff to keep them entertained until Christmas..and indoor stuff too so keep us away from this rain!

Im kinda happy its been cold cos with Miles' cast we can't let him go in the pool and if it were hot he'd want to be in he is such a little fish.

8 weeks till our holiday i am SO looking forward to that, these last 2 couple weeks have been so tiring, not had a brak all year so really looking forward to that.
I've never gone so long without a holiday - feel bad for not taking the kids anyway, its really important that they travel and get to see the world and we just havent gone anywhere all year, so glad we are going away in Jan and then hopefully to Fraser island in Aug next year then my parents will come visit in December :)

Not much else going on, just trying to keep the munchkins entertianed with lots of craft and christmas stories at the libraary and we have our playgroup christmas party, im looking forward to that next week, we are getting one of the dads to dress as Santa - so the kids will love that.

Oh i must confess to being talked into getting a santa photo of Miles.. i HATE santa photo's they're just so not me, just a bit tacky i always think and id never take my kids and stick them on santas knee if they didnt want to .. or actually i just never would anywa but Miles loved this particular santa so i had no choice!
Hope he doesnt ask again next year..

Greta is going through a grumpy phase but i think its because she hasnt slept all week during the day, i pop her in her cot and she just lays there and chats to herself but refuses to sleep - not had a day nap all week !!!
She is so so beyond tired and its tanty after tanty after tanty but she will just not give in and sleep.. so im just kinda putting her in her cot still each day at nap time and hoping one day she will start to have her nap again.

I was rumaging through the spare bedroom wardrobe and all these parcels came tumbling down on me, i didnt realise how many we actually had for the kids and Jonathan too - not a single one for me though :(
Some from us and my parents and my sister and then ones ive got for jonathan and a crafty from the kids but nothing for me :( guess it will stay that way unless i buy myself a little gift, but i kinda get myself lots of books so i guess i have them all year really! still would be nice for just one to open.. pedicure gift card! book token.. a nice lindt choccy box of something from Myer - they have the best choccy selection there especially for Christmas.. . so i might have to go and get myself something! i probably wont but i like looking in Myer at all the lovely stuff they have and DJ's too.

Ok i think thats all.. best go get her up cos she's not sleeping AGAIN!


Saturday, December 3, 2011


As well as getting the tree and lights up, to get us in the mood for Christmas, we have been doing a craft activity each day to do with Christmas.. Will (try) to do one a day until Christmas day..

Its amazing how excited they get, as soon as i go sit at their table they know what we are doing some craft and come running over so excited!

Greta will sit there for literally hours and take such great pride over what she's doing, i just hand it to her and away she goes, such total concentration, its fantastic.. Miles is so like me in that he starts off really well and gets into it then all too soon i see him getting fed up and rushes the end and just goes oh that'll do.. makes me laugh cos im so like that!

Anyway here are some pics so far, this is an activity from the 1st Dec and 2nd Dec, i didn't do one today as i didn't have all the bits i needed for it, but i think i can bodge it and will do it tomorrow.

Oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Arms and things...

Miles broke his arm on Monday, i keep recounting the story for people and really, i'm not sure what they are expecting, but when i tell them how he broke it they look rather disapointed, so i think i will just say he was sky diving or swimming with sharks or something!  He's 4, what am i meant to say!

Anyway the truth of it is that he was simply standing in the playroom off the kitchen and was between the couch and Greta's dolls house, he was half standing on the dolls house and half kneeling on the couch and kept swapping positions, i was sitting right in front of him on the couch and he's talking to me and watching TV at the same time.. then simply tripped, not sure if he went to walk around the couch and tripped over it or if he was just standing there putting his feet on and off the couch/dolls house, but right in front of me i saw him trip over and fall, not far, as he was standing on the floor, but just fell sidewards, left arm out to break his fall and cue terrible screaming - i jumped up to say 'Miles i told you not to be putting your feet up on the couch/dolls house cos you'll trip over' but before i got to say any of that i glanced down for a quick scan of any damage and his por left arm was twisted into such a biazarre shape - i kepe having flash backs of it.. it was terrible, instantly knew he had broken it.

So said to him, and by now he was totally calm just kept saying ouch when trying to move his arm, he said it didnt hurt!! high pain threshhold perhaps - ive no idea if a broken arm hurts or not..
So i said he has broken it and needs to get in the car to go to hospital - whisked him up there - and slong story short, $500 later, an x-ray and a fantastic friend taking Greta for the night and all the next day until 9pm and he has broken both bones, radius and ulna in his left forearm - he had to have surgery, which was just so scary, holding yoru baby on your lap while they gassed him to sleep and his little body went all limp.. needless to say i lost it several times and sobbed like a baby myself.. Miles however was so very brave all the time.. and the staff were fantastic, cannot find fault with any of them.

So now we are home and he has a full arm cast that will be on for 5 weeks.

He's ok at home but gets a bit anxious when we go out and about so staying home with him as much as possible.. he had trouble sleeping but actually slept all night for the first time last night.

I've been sleeping with him though so may have to get him into bed by himself soon and see how that goes.

Ok a few pics of the brave little man: