I'm not down to a total of 14 kg's lost!
Im very happy with that however i do have about another 25 to lose :( but im well on my way.
Been raining for 2 weeks, alost none stop so im very grateful we have lots of indoor activities for the little ones, other wise they'd be so bored!
We have play group and Music class and story times at the librabry.. we did have to stay home wiht Miles for that firt week and the poor little man was so so bored, but he Christmas craft has been so good and keeping him occupied.
All our activites end this and next week - we had the last story time today at the libraby :(
Was really good though, they did singing, which Greta loves! and dancing which she is really into at the moment and can sing whole songs, mainly from the fairies and twinkle twinkle, word perfect, she amazes me with her vocab.
Erm...so a pantomime we are booked in to see next week, looking forward to that.. and of course Miles prep orientation on tuesday.
Then we have the Christmas party to go along to at Jonathans work for the kids, so quite a bit of sutff to keep them entertained until Christmas..and indoor stuff too so keep us away from this rain!
Im kinda happy its been cold cos with Miles' cast we can't let him go in the pool and if it were hot he'd want to be in he is such a little fish.
8 weeks till our holiday i am SO looking forward to that, these last 2 couple weeks have been so tiring, not had a brak all year so really looking forward to that.
I've never gone so long without a holiday - feel bad for not taking the kids anyway, its really important that they travel and get to see the world and we just havent gone anywhere all year, so glad we are going away in Jan and then hopefully to Fraser island in Aug next year then my parents will come visit in December :)
Not much else going on, just trying to keep the munchkins entertianed with lots of craft and christmas stories at the libraary and we have our playgroup christmas party, im looking forward to that next week, we are getting one of the dads to dress as Santa - so the kids will love that.
Oh i must confess to being talked into getting a santa photo of Miles.. i HATE santa photo's they're just so not me, just a bit tacky i always think and id never take my kids and stick them on santas knee if they didnt want to .. or actually i just never would anywa but Miles loved this particular santa so i had no choice!
Hope he doesnt ask again next year..
Greta is going through a grumpy phase but i think its because she hasnt slept all week during the day, i pop her in her cot and she just lays there and chats to herself but refuses to sleep - not had a day nap all week !!!
She is so so beyond tired and its tanty after tanty after tanty but she will just not give in and sleep.. so im just kinda putting her in her cot still each day at nap time and hoping one day she will start to have her nap again.
I was rumaging through the spare bedroom wardrobe and all these parcels came tumbling down on me, i didnt realise how many we actually had for the kids and Jonathan too - not a single one for me though :(
Some from us and my parents and my sister and then ones ive got for jonathan and a crafty from the kids but nothing for me :( guess it will stay that way unless i buy myself a little gift, but i kinda get myself lots of books so i guess i have them all year really! still would be nice for just one to open.. pedicure gift card! book token.. a nice lindt choccy box of something from Myer - they have the best choccy selection there especially for Christmas.. . so i might have to go and get myself something! i probably wont but i like looking in Myer at all the lovely stuff they have and DJ's too.
Ok i think thats all.. best go get her up cos she's not sleeping AGAIN!