Greta has for some reason decided to wake at 5.30am all this week - YAWNNNNN

She usually wakes around 7.15 - 7.30am.. and as im used to that i go to bed around 11pm - so i get a good 4.5 hours afrer they have gone to bed at night to relax and do whatever i need for the next day, sort washing, iron, pay bills, watch TV - all that stuff, i don't watch adult TV during the day at all so its nice to catch up at night - anyway, as Jonathan has started a new job, it seems everyone is in his office ready for the day at 8.15-8.30am, and as he is the boss, he thinks it would look bad to arrive an hour after everyone else, so he has been getting up at 6.15am and leaving the house at 7am to get to work for 8.15am. Trouble is that because he is generally louder (when trying to be quiet) than most people when they are trying to be loud lol, i think that is waking up Miles & Greta in their rooms.. Miles insists on sleeping with his bedroom door open anyway.. Greta's is closed but she is an incredibly light sleeper - so i see why that is waking them up.. but why wake up an hour earlier than Jonathan even gets up?? I have no idea.
Anyway im so not used to getting up early, Greta hasn't woken for a night feed since she was 6 or 7 weeks old so at almost 2 yrs of age, im really not used to it. If it persists i will have to go to bed at a reasonable hour!
In other news.
Miles and Greta are currently stroking the cat, who is curled up on the couch, its very cute - she is being spoilt, purring with happines :)
Jonathan got paid out for his bike jacket and helmet. he only got $750 though and when you consider his helmet cost about that, then his jacket was about the same again - oh well i see how they calculate it, cos they are both 3-5 yrs old, they knock off 10% for every year so that brings it down to about half its value..Anyway, Jonathan found a replacement helmet for about about $500 inc postage in America (about $200 more expensive here) and was just trying to find a jacket when he stumbled upon e-bay and by chance found a guy who had bought a helmet - identical to the one he wants, brand new and still had tags and was in the box, had never used it - and needed to sell it.. so anyway, we managed to get it for $250 - winner!! Its in woy Woy so we can have a drive up there this weekend and have fish and chips at our favourtie shop up there.. fantastic! Now just to find a good deal on a jacket - we have $500 left for his Jacket which might just do it if we are lucky again.
My Mum in law has been sending parcel after parcel for all 4 of us.. started with my birthday a couple of weeks ago and she started to send parcels of colthes for me.. fantastic :)
Then i asked if she could get a couple of items from Marks and Spencer for Jonathan that she had brought over last time they visited, so she sent him a couple more, then included a few more clothes for the kids - and then a few more - and before you know it, we have about 6 or so huge packages full of clothes for all 4 of us!
I think it is end of summer sale there, which is prefect as winter stuff from there is just to warm for us here, even in winter, so summer stuff from there is just perfect - we are all very spoilt :)
Went to Playgorup yesterday, in Pennant hills, its abotu 20 mins away but as the kids little friends go there, they love it. So i managed to get a book of raffle tickets - which i avoided getting at my own playgroup! but couldnt get out of this - trouble is, the only people i know are Mums either at my Playgroup or some other Playgroup, so they aren't going to want to buy my tickets when they have their own to find raise for - i fear i will end up giving them back with none sold! But then Jonathan said last night he will take them to work for me :)
Going to my Playgroup today - might walk up there, its only a 10 min stroll.. Greta will be so tired by the end of it with getting up so early, i might try and talk Miles into trying to have a sleep so i can have one, but im pretty sure he won't he never does...
At Playgroup yesterday, i mean not my Playgroup the other one i joined recently.. well one of the Mums smacked her little girl.. its not my business i know, but i don't smack, i just think its wrong to get physical with another human being, especially a child who is smaller than you so is going to be afraid of you anyway - well i know even in this day and age that some people still feel the need for sme unknown reason to smack.
So i can't remember what this poor child did, i think perhaps it took a toy from another child or smacked abother child (well of course its going to smack other children and be rough with other children if it sees its Mums smacking him! it will think it acceptable and normal)
Or it might have bumped its car that it was driving into its Mum, i think that was it was, i think she bumped her car into her Mums leg, so he mum turned around and said No thats naughty you don't hurt Mummy and then smacked her! Not hard but still, i think its pretty humiliating to be smacked at all evern just a tap - but really the irony just struck me.. You are telling your child off for hitting or hurting you, and you do this by hitting and hurting them er derrrrrrr! Dont him me or another child or i will hit you - yeah great parenting there!
Anway, im anti smacking in case it wasn't clear lol.
I'm pretty sure neither of my kid would even know what the word smack means and im happy to keep it that way. Give me love and cuddles anyday over smacks.. Ohh it makes my blood boil to think about it.
Im not sure if its anything i have done or more likely just the way they are but i have 2 very good little peole :)
Anyway after that vent i'd best get ready for Playgroup.