Tuesday, June 14, 2011

list for this week

a bit late i know:

Monday - jonathan was home as it was Queens birthday.  We just stayed home - raining so can't do much
Tuesday - story time and playgroup
Wednesday - shopping and playgroup
thursday - no plans as yet - might do some cleaning/may go pay some more off Miles' trampoline layby
Friday - Miles' Pre shcool day / mummy and Greta day at home :)

Oh i love and hate Wednesdays, its pay do for us, well for jonathan, i dont actually get anything :( so we have all this lovely money in the bank and before you can blink! its all gone  on bills :( 

Im so used to Wednesday being pay day and it has been for over 2 yrs now, but when he starts his new job on the 1st July, he will get paid monthly, im so not used to monthly... so that will be odd - i mean when i get used to it, it will be much better, as i have to log onto the bank and pay everything weekly and it will be so much easier to do it once a month instead of weekly, but still im sure it will take a while to transition over.

Raining here, can't go outside, kids are so fed up- with being inside.  took them to a playcentre over the weekend and after 5 mins they both wanted to go home! fantastic...little people hey, you can't predict them :)

jonathan has an interview for another role today... just came up after he was offered the DTZ role... its looking after hotels again and he cant refuse the interview as thats what he loves to do after being with GPT/Voyages for so long and going to some great hotels..

So will wait and see how that goes...

jonathan bought a washing line that retracts and attached it the full length of the garage, so i can pull that out and hang up all my washing, and the wind will come across from the laundry door if i leave it open and blow into the garage but keep my washing dry as its in the garage - excellent idea! so i have a load of washing hangin on that - that will save us in dryer bills!

Was going to do a list of words great is saying, but there are so many, she is chatting in sentences and i can hold a conversation with her..ive lost track of the amount of words she says its so many..

Her walking is amazing now, its like she has been doing it for months! She walks ALL the time, she walks just as well in her gorgeous little patent leather shoes :)

Man can she throw a tanty though! but she is so cute i cant refuse her - its bad i know, i had all these rules set out for Miles and stuck to them so well and he is such a good little boy cos of it - but Greta, i just melt!

Guess thats what happens with yoru 2nd child... but she is still a vry good kid, i take her to story time and she just sits on my knee or next to Miles on the floor the whole time, some of the other kids run riot.

She also makes friends EVERYWHERE we go, its so cute, she is so gentle and can play so well with others.

Oh fantastic moment from Miles, usually in a group situation when all the other kids are standing up to dance or sing, Miles will just sit and look at the floor - so ive been coaxing him to not even to dance and sing but when all the other kids stand if he can just stand up too.. at Pre-shcool ive seen all the others dancing to the music and Miles just sitting on the floor.. if he doesnt like to dance and sing thats fine, but i just want him to stnad up so he at least doesnt look so out of place - and i know he does like to its just he is not good in a crowd.
So had a breakthrough, he came home on friday from pre shcool and said he had stood up and as he stood up he thought he might dance and sing a little.. well i didnt quite belive it untill at story time yesterday, he stood up when the lady reading to them asked them all to (we have been going there for 2 yrs and he has NVER stood up ever) so he stands and starts dancing to a song the lady sang, an then he sang the song at the top of his lungs too! OMG i could have cried!

So so proud of my little man! i know i wouldnt have stood up either as a kid, i used to sit and stare at the floor too, but my mum would have just said to me, youre so stupid sitting there you look stupid cant you stand up and join in, whats wrong with you, are you weird - well you get the impession. Needless to say, i still HATE the word stupid today and useless was another one used far too often.  Anyway, i gently coaxed him and he now stands up and dances and is so happy with himself :)


Best get ready myself now for the weekly shop! Got the kids ready, just need to get me ready.

Oh Greta just brough me all of Miles' undies out of his drawer! ive sent her to put them all back - wonder if she actually does or if i will hunting the house from top to bottome for where she has stashed her brothers undies for the next weeks lol.


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