Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Its official...

...Miles is the smallest 3.5yr old on the face of the earth!

Ok so i know he isnt - but a neighbours son who is 3 next month has ALWAYS been shorter than him, stockier yes but shorter... then today  see him and there are playing next to each other and OMG he towers above Miles now! When the heck did that happen!  SO its official - in our cirlce of friends (including girls) Miles is officially the smallest - and by far the skiniest too.  Oh well, guess he will just be a pocket rocket.  Least he is light to carry around lol. 

Think Greta will be the same way, she is quite light and thats with her not yet walking, imagine she will burn much more off when she is walking and will be even slimmer.. so wish i had my 2 kids petitie gene - they must get it from jonathans side of the family, both his neice and nephew are very slender and short.  So is his Brother too - its jut J that is chubby as i fattened him up!

Well its 6.15pm... have done the dinner and bathtime thing, just waiting on 6.30pm for bed time :)

Greta is a joy at the moment, she plays so so well with Miles and a lovely little girl who is about 6 months older than her, at Playgorup, they play so so lovely together - she is so good at sharing and will hand toys back and forwards.. so gentle, i love to watch her play with others she's so good with other kids -even the big ones who want to come and try and pick her up and cuddle her, she plays so well with them.  But man does she have an attitude!! if she wants something or doesnt want to do something she will certainly let it be knows lol - fiesty little miss.

Made crumbed chops and carrots peas and rost spuds for the first time tonight - well the crumbed chops were the first i mean.  Worked out a treat but took 10 mins longer to cook than expected as i had to do the crumbing and Greta decided the best thing to do to get Mummy to hurry up would be to scream blue murder from her high chair for the entire time i was making them - hmmm... thanks for that little miss!

i always say i think its really important that i eat with the kids, but man was i stuffed and really had to force it down! i had M.Tea at Playgorup today - then i baked so had to test everything i make of course! By the time dinner arrived i was so full - but i ate it and it was so nice.

Ok well 5 mins till 6.30pm - bed time :)


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